Drunk doctor tied up on a seat of the plane for nuisance

A Russian anesthesiologist has caused a fuss on a flight from Bangkok to Moscow. Passengers had to overpower Vadim Bondar because he wanted to open the emergency door at a height of ten kilometers. The nuisance became so great that he eventually had to be tied up.

The 43-year-old doctor was said to be firmly above his tea water. “He had two bottles of rum in his pocket,” says one of the passengers. “The crew tried to calm him down, but he kept on raving. When his hands were tied up, he began to cry and complained that he could no longer breathe.”

Bondar works as an anesthesiologist in a reputed hospital in Moscow. In addition, he also helps patients who are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

“Warned warnings”

“This passenger was clearly drunk,” says an Aeroflot spokeswoman. “He behaved particularly aggressively and even threatened cabin crew. No one felt at ease with his screams. The two bottles of alcohol were seized.”

“He ignored all warnings from the stewards. Eventually, with the help of a few passengers, he could be tied in a separate seat.”

“Drunk to kill time”

From then on it took another four hours for the aircraft to land. The police were waiting for him in Moscow. Alexander Bastrykin, the head of the Russian Investigation Committee, is now personally involved in the matter.

Bondar admitted that he had been drinking rum. “But only to pass the time, we suffered from severe turbulence.”

“1,150 euros disappeared”

“I also wanted a glass of water, perhaps I have bothered the stewards too often with that. They snarled that I had to sit in my chair again, I thought that was very rude. I do realize that I have gone too far and I want to apologize for that.”

However, the stocking is not finished yet. “That belt pressed against my throat and my larynx, so I could barely breathe. I was given an injection without knowing what it was. And after the landing, 1,150 euros suddenly disappeared from my hand luggage. I am now in contact with my lawyers, at least this case is getting a little tail.”

The Sun
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