First day at work: 5 quirky tips for a good first impression

Real beauty comes from within. But those who don’t know you rely on a first impression. And that is only 7% determined by what you say. These tips are about the other 93%.
Do not violate nature
Your nature is perfect. Your eyes, teeth, lips, skin and natural hair color are matched and part of your unique personality. Keep in mind:
Never make your teeth whiter than they are naturally. They would demand all the attention and put your beautiful eyes in the shade, for example.
Don’t use black mascara or eyeliner if your color type is better to avoid black. Black often makes tougher, paler, older and more aggressive.
Tailor your clothes to your strengths
Are you a perfectionist (thinker)? Then it is best not to dress too sporty. You don’t like frills, like this and that. You take the time to think and work out plans, to prepare.
Are you a bon vivant (doer)? Then don’t dress too classically. Being between four walls is not for you: you need social contacts, creativity and movement. A smooth, no-nonsense clothing style fits in with that.
Only wear fashion if it suits you
“Fashion says Me too and style says Only me ”, said Samuel Goldwyn. Fashion, media and publicity are bad advisors. They are there to make you buy. We don’t have those colors and want to show that we are hip and powerful.
Listen carefully to compliments
They will let you know if you are on the right track. Do people say you have cool glasses, a nice sweater or a nice timepiece? Then they saw only that.
They say, “You look so good!” or ‘You rejuvenate with age’? Those are compliments about you. They count and are good for your self-confidence!
Get to know your colors and style
A second chance at a first impression? You don’t get that. After a one-time color analysis you know which colors and style suit you, you radiate class and you get respect .
The bonus? Your colors match: combine them and do more with your wardrobe . If you know your colors, you will also avoid bad buys from now on . If you prevent one, you have often already earned back your color analysis. And it can start to pay off for the rest of your life.