Five health benefits of grapefruit that you may not have known about

Grapefruit seems to many, not the most pleasant fruit because it often has a slightly bitter taste. But despite some flaws in flavour, this fruit is beneficial.
It contains a small number of calories and is excellent for relieving thirst because of its high water content. But that is not all. Here are a few more valuable properties of grapefruit.
It helps you cope with colds
A shocking dose of vitamins A and C makes grapefruit great for fighting colds. Unfortunately, it can not prevent the disease, but it can alleviate the symptoms and possibly reduce the duration of the cold. So if you’re sick, it’s worth buying a couple of grapefruits in the store so that you can quickly go on the mend.
Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol
According to a study by researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, grapefruit can lower low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) by as much as 15.5%.
Both red and white grapefruits, which are much less bitter, have this effect. If you are taking cholesterol-lowering medications, you should not eat grapefruit for its added effect, as the juice of this fruit may interact poorly with some medicines.
Normalizes blood pressure
In addition to lowering cholesterol, grapefruit has another essential property for the cardiovascular system: it normalizes blood pressure. Millions of people worldwide suffer from hypertension, thereby putting them at high risk of developing heart disease, but regular consumption of grapefruit can help lower blood pressure.
Scientists suggest that this property of the fruit is due to its high potassium content, which neutralizes the adverse effects of sodium.
Some blood pressure-lowering medications, like cholesterol medications, may not mix well with grapefruit. Therefore, if you are constantly taking something, this fruit should not be eaten often.
Accelerates wound healing
The vitamin C found in grapefruit helps form healthy scar tissue and new blood vessels, which significantly speeds up wound healing. Of course, instant regeneration like Wolverine’s won’t happen after consuming grapefruit, but over time, the process of repairing damaged tissue will go faster.
It helps control blood sugar levels
Grapefruit has a relatively low glycemic index, which means that it does not lead to severe spikes in blood glucose. This is confirmed by a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food. Study participants who regularly ate grapefruit or drank juice before their main meal had less of a sharp rise in insulin than those who took a placebo.
But it’s worth remembering that if you have diabetes, your response to food may not be the same. So it’s worth checking your sugar levels after consuming the fruit to see if you can make grapefruit a regular part of your healthy diet.