How to know if you’re a victim of witchcraft

You have certainly already heard of witchcraft or the use of a spell. This term, sometimes poorly known, represents an action, generally carried out by a sorcerer, which provokes the person victim of this act to particular events or imposes a certain behaviour on him.

How to know if you’re a victim of witchcraft? According to the different opinions on witchcraft, first, it is necessary to diagnose the problem in case of doubt to check if the person is indeed subjected to a spell before proceeding to a disentanglement. But how do you know if you are suffering from witchcraft?

What is a Witchcraft?

First of all, it should be remembered that there is a wide range of bewitchments or so-called ‘occult’ ailments. Among the most common, we can cite the evil eye, or even witchcraft that can be found in the form of eaten, drunk, hung, buried, in water… Likewise, various symbols are used in the spell, For example :

  • Padlocks, in order to block the life of the person;
  • Dolls, to cause pain and close the chakras;
  • The photos, in order to make the person ugly
  • The different symptoms that indicate a spell

A victim of witchcraft

A person subjected to a spell or witchcraft will potentially experience several symptoms. There are thus psychic symptoms that represent tangible signs, such as, for example, regular anxieties, nightmares or dark dreams, regular and unfounded periods of depression, great demotivation, excessive and regular nervousness, or even thoughts of death.

There are also physical symptoms that will be easier to detect at first. Indeed, people victims of a spell very often feel:

  • General fatigue;
  • Insomnia;
  • Regular headaches and/or backaches;
  • Unexplained itching or stinging sensations;

It is also widespread to have the sensation of feeling observed and not being in your normal state without being able to explain it. People in a relationship also often experience decreased desire for the partner despite present and sincere feelings.

All of these symptoms cause discomfort and fragility, which inevitably lead to recurring and persistent health problems. The person may also exhibit unusual and sometimes strange behaviours, leading to unhealthy actions.

Therefore, it is essential to quickly consult a specialist in this disorder, an expert in white magic, because the person can endanger himself or even endanger his entourage unconsciously, pushed by negative energies.

The specialist will then be able to observe and verify these signs and proceed with the disenchantment.

He will take the time to properly diagnose the problem in order to deliver the person from demonic forces, allow him to free his soul, and thus regain his strength and serenity.

He can use different rituals, depending on the evil present and its complexity. Disenchantment makes it possible to cancel the spell that was previously cast.

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