How to respond to an interview invitation

Finding a job is a very important and exciting stage in life. How to win the employer’s sympathy even before the official conversation? The answer is simple: correctly answer the proposal for a future interview!

You have submitted your resume, and are looking forward to hearing from you. If you are interested in the employer, he can answer you in two ways: by phone call or e-mail.

Prepare in advance for a possible call. In a separate notebook, write down the companies to which you sent your resume. Be sure to indicate the name and position of the person indicated in the coordinates for this vacancy, as well as the phone number for communication.

Keep a notebook close at hand so that you can quickly view information and orient yourself in the event of a call.

Keep in mind that after submitting your resume, you may be called at any minute, so correlate your daily routine with the work schedule adopted in many companies (usually from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm). This is necessary so that the employer calling you to set the interview date does not hear the sleepy voice of a person on the phone who cannot find out what issue they are calling.

When answering a call, say hello and carefully answer all the questions asked by the employer. Write down the date, address, and time of the interview, and be sure to specify the name and telephone number of the person you can contact in case of unforeseen circumstances. Feel free to ask clarifying questions so that you don’t end up in a stupid position later. After clarifying all the details, thank the employer for the call and politely say goodbye.

In case you cannot show up for an interview on time or something happened to you, be sure to call back, warn of being late, or find out if there is an opportunity to postpone the interview. There are different situations in life, and a call with an explanation of the reason for being late and an apology can be further counted in your favor.

If you received an invitation for an interview by e-mail, you should write a response as soon as possible. It may look something like this: “Dear (s) … (name of the person who sent you the invitation)! Thank you for the invitation to an interview.

I would be glad to come to such and such an address at such and such a time. Regards, (your last name, first name, patronymic, as well as a contact phone number). ” If you do not understand something in the invitation, then do not hesitate to ask all your questions in order to appear for an interview fully armed.

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