In Kenya: Drunk, young boy cuts his pen!s

A 25-year-old drunk boy cut his pen!s. He had to be rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately, it was impossible for the doctors to reattach his pen!s immediately, because the neighbours forgot the pen!s at home while they panicked in front of the gushing blood.

The neighbours rushed to the rescue of 25-year-old Sam Maina early in the morning, when they heard scary screams coming from his apartment in Kericho, Kenya. They found him writhing in pain with his pen!s on the bed.

The locals took him to the hospital for emergency surgery in Kericho, but the operation was delayed because his penIs was forgotten on his bed. The police then had to rush to the victim to recover the blood-soaked pen!s.

A neighbour said Maina had been drinking and may not be “fully aware of what he was doing”.

A police report stated: Around 12:50, Antony Kago Kanuthi was in his home near the village of Momomiat. He heard a loud cry from his neighbour Samuel Maina. When he rushed inside his house, he realized he had cut his pen!s.

Kericho police commander James Mugera said that by the time the police arrived at the scene, they found the severed penIs that gushes out blood on the bed. They then took him to the Kericho District Hospital for the doctors to put back in its place.

He is now recovering from the bizarre drama as the authorities wait for him to reveal the reason he mutilated himself.

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