Kim Kardashian under fire for lavish birthday party: “How selfish can you be?”

Kim Kardashian seemed on her 40th birthday, hardly to worry about the current corona measures. The reality star invited a lot of people to celebrate her birthday with her on a private island. There is an indignant reaction to the photos on Instagram.

The guests had to be quarantined at home for two weeks, Kardashian writes under the photos on Instagram. “There is not a single day that I take for granted, especially in these times when we are all reminded of the things that really matter,” she writes. “Before Covid, I don’t think any of us really appreciated what a luxury it was to be able to travel and be in a safe environment with family and friends.”

Kardashian continues that there was dancing, cycling, swimming, and kayaking. “I realize this is something that is so far out of reach for most people right now, so at times like this, I am humbly reminded of how privileged my life is,” she concluded.

In the comments, especially many angry followers have their say. Followers call the action “selfish” and wonder if the partygoers have actually been quarantined.

Many people also find it “hypocritical” that “the elite” need not keep their distance from each other. “This type of holiday is unattainable for most people, corona or not,” it sounds among others.

Or also: “Very selfish, while people die and are sick. I very much doubt that everyone present went into isolation”. And “has the pandemic disappeared?! Wow, I wish someone had told me we could have huge parties again.”

Kim Kardashian has not yet responded to the criticism.

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