Men and women may take turns on the streets of Panama

In Panama, as of this week, men and women may only leave their homes on alternate days. Women can leave the house on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, men on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The government determines that.
The measure aims to curb the further spread of the coronavirus by reducing the number of people on the street by half, the Ministry of Health said.
The stricter measures came after it became clear that many residents did not comply with the quarantine imposed by President Laurentino Cortizo on March 25.
Although people over the age of sixty and those with disabilities must also follow the rule, they were allocated special hours to do their shopping. An escort may also accompany them.
Transgender people
LGBT groups have expressed concerns about the scheme, and La Asociacion de Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panama, among others, argues that it is a violation of the rights of transgender people. “What guarantee do I have that I will not be picked up and fined by the authorities for going out with a male or female identity that does not reflect the gender stated on personal documents?” Ricardo Beteta, who heads the organization, wondered.
Panama currently has 1,075 cases of COVID-19. Ten percent of the infected people were hospitalized, four percent are on intensive care.