Monday syndrome: how to cope with blues before the work week starts

Weekends are the best time for relaxation and entertainment. But then why do so many people waste precious hours on longing and gloomy thoughts? It’s simple. It’s Sunday blues. Bad moods that start around mid-Sunday are very common among those who work five days a week.
Some are so depressed by the imminent arrival of Monday that they spend all Sunday in apathy and sadness instead of relaxing, recuperating, and doing what they like. If this condition is familiar to you, and you would be happy to get rid of it, use these tips.
Make Sunday your new Saturday

Most people use Saturday for entertainment and Sunday for household chores. Do the opposite, and you will be happy.
Take care of cleaning, washing, and other household problems on Saturday and Sunday, relax and have fun to the fullest the way you like: walk, go to restaurants, watch TV shows from morning to evening, etc.
Plan your work to do on Friday
To avoid thinking about work on Saturday and Sunday, plan your next work week – on Friday. Spending an extra hour at the end of your day can save you some weekend anxiety.
And Monday will become less unpleasant because you have already prepared for it.
Spend Sunday on what makes you happy

Leave the things you enjoy on Sunday. Then you will have a great mood all day, and in the evening you will remember Monday without upset and regret: after all, you had a great weekend, and you have the strength to start a new work week.
Spend time with pleasant company
To distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts about the beginning of the workweek, spend time with pleasant company on Sunday and have fun: with a partner, friends, or family.
Warm companionship and laughter ideally relieve any blues. The main thing is to make an appointment with loved ones in advance so as not to be left alone in the end.
Take care of yourself

Dedicating Sunday (especially the last few hours of the day) to caring for yourself can also help you get rid of Monday syndrome. Do some meditation, get a massage, take a bath, or read a book in silence.
In short, do something relaxing and stress-relieving. Then on Monday morning, you will feel like you are well-rested and well spent your weekend.