No job, No money what to do! 7 things to do when you’re unemployed

Regardless of our age and qualifications, the periods of unemployment in recent years have affected all of us in one way or another. And while we are unable to influence the presence or absence of work in our lives, we can control our reaction to it.
There are some tips to help you if you are temporarily unemployed.
Keep on schedule
It’s okay to spend a few days after you leave your work in the past, relaxing and resting, but try not to drag it out too long. As good as dressing up in your home sportswear and playing a long-forgotten video game, staying on schedule is one way to stay productive and focused, and it’s going to be good for you.
Try, even being unemployed, to get up earlier, go to bed on time and have time to solve all urgent matters. Work can appear suddenly in your life, and you must be ready to return to the previous regime quickly. This can only be done stress-free if you don’t spend your nights watching TV shows.
Be organized
Temporary absence from work is a great opportunity to tidy up your life and become more organized. Do a general cleaning of the apartment, sort out all the old boxes in the garage, get rid of the garbage and unnecessary things. Streamlining your life will help you feel like you can spend your time profitably and stay productive even if you are unemployed.
In general, if it so happens that you have the opportunity to be at home for several days or weeks, deal with everything that you have been putting on the back burner for a long time. Solve all the problems, put things in order in the house and the head.
Look for temporary earnings on the Internet
If you aim to get to a certain place but have no savings, it’s time to think about where to get money for food and other necessary expenses. It is unknown how long the search for a new job will take, but you always want to eat, drink and fall asleep in your own warm apartment.
Alternatively, you can look for quick money on the Internet. There are many sites where you can earn extra cash by providing various services – from writing comments to web design and programming. In many cases, decent money is paid for the execution. The main thing is, before you do anything, make sure that you get paid. Read reviews on the employer’s website or ask potential colleagues.
Improve your skills
Since you have free time, spend it wisely. For example, pumping up your professional skills is a great way to move up the career ladder.
Look for courses and masterclasses that you can take for free – believe me, there is a lot of helpful information on the Internet that you do not need to pay for. You can find training courses with a certificate that you can later attach to your resume. Your efforts will help you find a job faster, and in some cases, even qualify for a higher salary.
See what you can sell
Even if you are not in despair and have money for the first time, it will be useful to disassemble the trash and get rid of the excess. And the best way to get rid of the lot is to sell the property you have not used for a long time.
Games, furniture that takes up space, working but outdated electronics – why keep all this at home when you can give these things a second life simply by posting an advertisement for the sale? Someone who needs them more will buy them, and, perhaps, with the proceeds, you will order pizza in the evening or pay for a communal apartment.
Get some rest
Simple advice, which, unfortunately, many do not take seriously. We are so accustomed to investing all our strength and time in work that when we can rest, we frantically look for something to do. In other words, we have forgotten how to rest.
Remember when was the last time you read a book? No, he didn’t sit down, ran his eyes a couple of pages, and left her, leaving in search of “more important things.” When was the last time you spent time with your hobby? Okay, here’s another question: do you have a hobby at all, or do you think it only distracts you?
Think hard: why not spend the time you have on yourself? Visit old friends, go to your parents, go with your loved one to the park for a walk, relax in nature, take a movie ticket or, at worst, at least watch a season or two of some exciting series.
Try yourself in something new
Just do something that was not available to you while you were working. Well, or as an option – take a chance and finally change your field of activity. Do you have a camera and a desire to take beautiful pictures? Why not take photography courses and try yourself as a photographer? Always loved to draw, and did it cool? What about custom portraits? Enterprising people will never be left out of work.