Do you hate your boss or supervisor? 5 tips for surviving your working day

It will happen to you: you finally have that dream job in your pocket, your boss or supervisor turns out to be a horror. Unfortunately, this can always happen in reality. And because you don’t want to lose that dream job, we have tips for surviving your working days.

Maybe you don’t click, or your supervisor has unrealistic expectations. Whatever the reason, we share five tips for dealing with it.

We probably don’t have to tell you that a good relationship with your boss or manager is suitable for your happiness at work and your career. But what if you like your job, but you really can’t get through one door with your boss?


The tip ‘talk to your boss’ may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t dare to take this step. It’s also a scary step to take – after all, it’s your boss. But your boss won’t like it if you can’t be yourself because your toxic relationship gets in the way.

Make a pro/con list

Okay, your boss or your supervisor is a big con. But the fact that you haven’t switched jobs yet also means that there are nice things to focus on. Maybe the location of your work is perfect. Perhaps you have the most excellent colleagues, or you enjoy the work yourself.

List all the positive things about your job, and focus on these positive things. You may not get along with your boss, but hey, the rest is excellent.

Hold up a mirror to yourself

Two people are involved in a relationship. If the relationship between you and your boss isn’t good, try taking a look at yourself too. Have you been the best version of yourself? Or are there also several points for improvement that you can work with yourself?

Make a list of what you hate about your boss

You probably like this: what do you find so terrible about your boss or supervisor? And are there circumstances that can reduce those properties? There are some ideas that you can think about that way.

With many irritating properties, there is something that can be arranged to reduce this property. Do you think your boss stinks, and would you rather not sit in a cubicle together one on one? Ask if you can have a meeting outside your work meeting while walking around. Do you find his emails too curt? Ask for more face-to-face contact.

Meditate or go boxing

Are the above options not an option? Or does nothing help? Then it is always possible to get rid of your pent-up emotions with meditation. Or boxing. It just depends on which of the two extremes suits you best.

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