Oprah Winfrey stops acting: “It no longer fulfills me”

Oprah Winfrey (65) is not going to act anymore. She said that herself in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. According to the presenter and producer, she no longer finds satisfaction.

Barely a year ago Oprah Winfrey played in ‘A Wrinkle in Time’, but then the cards were different, she says in The Hollywood Reporter. “Acting then filled me. But I think you have to do a lot to get really, really good at it. You have to work for it. And it is something you really have to be passionate about. You can’t just do something just like that. It was very nice to Mrs. Which to play, and I did it because I wanted to go to New Zealand and wear costumes. But no, it no longer feeds my soul.”

Still, Winfrey was recently tempted to act again, she says. “I got an offer for Broadway – Scott Rudin wrote me a letter and said, “You have to take this role.” It was very tempting, I wanted to do it too. But something else happened. During one of my visits to New York

, I started to imagine: you live in this city, this is your neighborhood and you let the dogs out. Are you going to take only one dog or all of them? Here you go shopping. And here is the dry cleaning. How would you feel in this city without trees and grass? I placed myself in the future and imagined what that would be like. I thought, “I can do this for a month, but not six months”.”

And so she refused. “I get better and better when I’m in the vicinity of nature. I have this entire routine in Santa-Barbara. I only apply the curtains when I have been to the toilet at half past three in the morning so that the sun does not wake me up. I just want to enjoy the benefits of the night. I see the moonlight on the ocean. And in the morning I open the curtains and see what day it is. Every day I think: ‘Look at you, bye. Look at you! “That will never happen in New York”.”

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