Over 700 people infected with mysterious disease in Senegal

The mysterious dermatological disease detected a few days ago among fishermen in Thiaroye-sur-Mer, Senegal, is taking on worrying proportions, with more than 700 people infected as of today.

The Senegalese health authorities are working hard to try to control the mysterious disease. The skin disease appeared in the body of fishermen of Thiaroye-sur-Mer and has spread

to other localities, such as Mbour (85 km from Dakar), Saint-Louis (272 km north of Dakar), Mbao (another Dakar suburb), Touba Dialaw (70 km from Dakar), Rufisque (a town 25 km from Dakar) and Yène (60 km from Dakar).

The origin of the mysterious disease is unknown for the moment. The symptoms include; pimples on the face, arms, lips, and private parts, not to mention the watery eyes of those affected.

Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, Senegalese Minister of Health and Social Action, rules out a viral origin and makes the toxic trail serious, assuring that all measures are being taken in collaboration with his counterparts in the Environment and Fisheries.

“People are waiting for information. For the past two days, we have seen the appearance in Thiaroye of a so-called mysterious disease that attacks fishermen who return from the sea often with injuries, sometimes serious. To date, we have identified more than 300 cases, and the identification continues as the fishermen return from the sea. Among the cases, 18 are hospitalized, and the others are taken care of in dedicated places to follow them better.”

“We have asked the Pasteur Institute, our teams, notably the anti-poison center, to look into the matter in terms of the investigation. We can say today that it is not linked to Covid because the tests came back negative. We have not also seen the presence of viruses, which may make us think of a toxic origin, but we can’t, at this point, say so,” said Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr.

The Senegalese Minister of Health and Social Action rules out any idea of contamination. “At this point, we note that only fishermen who come from the sea are affected, and there is no spread in homes. We can consider that there is no contagion yet. We will be able to be more precise in the coming hours,” reported Actualtesenagal newspaper.

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  1. I know this sounds paranoid, but from the Dark Winter scenario to Event 201, we’ve been gradually introduced to horrific methods of culling the human population for years. Check out the Random Skies series by Jim Cheshire on Amazon. The first one was written about 20 years ago, but if you look at the synopsis, it’s the world as it is now. I won’t put a link in case it’s thought to be spam. Well worth a look.

  2. This outbreak reminds me of a case study I edited many years ago while working at the Kaiser Foundation Research Institute. Have the medical investigators considered infection with Mycobacterium marinum? It’s a relative of tuberculosis that affects the skin and would be well worth testing for. It’s colloquially called “fish fancier’s finger” because people who put their hands in aquariums with infected fish often get it.

  3. It looks like eczema, but that’s auto-immune, which isn’t acquired en masse like that. That said, being that it’s auto-immune, it is possible (in theory) for the immune system to be damaged due to exposure to something, which could result in such an immune response. I’d check them for symptoms of radiation (both nuclear as well as EMF spectrum) and antibodies associated with auto-immune disorders. It could also be transmitted through breaches of the skin, meaning it could be some sort of parasite. A close-up of the affected areas could rule that out, though there are otherwise harmless anti-parasitic treatments that could be taken just as a precaution. I hope they get well soon!

    1. Looks like monkeypox to me. That is terrifying. That is on the list if diseases that could cross over from a zoonatic disease into a human disease.

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