Reliable ways to make money online without spending much

Do you also want to earn money online? Then you are in the right place! I have been travelling the world for three years as a digital vagabond. I do my work on my laptop and can do it from anywhere in the world.
I love making money online, so I have already written some articles about it. Even when you want to work from home or simply have finished your current job, making money online is the solution. After all, you only need a laptop, socket, and Wifi, and you can get started.
Making money online is possible for everyone
In this article, I will discuss how I make money online myself and explain how you can do this too. Those methods are reliable ways, meant for people who are serious about getting started.
Making money online is possible for anyone who wants it, and there is always a way that appeals to you. In any case, I will save you silly ideas such as taking surveys, clicking on links and gambling online. It is all too often about ways that don’t give you a cent. That is why we will discuss the ways to make money online and beyond that do work.
Ways to make money online
Below I will discuss 11 reliable ways to make money online. Underlying there are a lot more, but I have tried to organize them well for you. They are not nonsense, but ways that I also use to earn an online income and that are reflected in my articles.
1. Make money online with your website/blog
Creating and owning a website is an excellent way to make money online. You can go many ways with this. Anyone can create a website these days. This is certainly done with a program such as WordPress, Wix, etc.
And even for real beginners, you could think of programs like Joomla or Wix to create a website. When you create your website, you can do this about something you are passionate about, and visitors then end up on your website by Google (that’s how you got here, right?). That is free traffic, and you can earn money with it.

You can earn money with a website by selling advertisements, advertorials, affiliate marketing, a good website, Google Adsense, business listings, or by offering your own product or service, such as in a webshop. Quite a list of ways if you see it that way. So there were opportunities to make money with your website.
Many websites, therefore, use not one, but several of these ways to make money online. But for those who want to start with it, Google Adsense and affiliate marketing are the most convenient methods.
Affiliate marketing is discussed under the following heading, but I would like to explain something about Google Adsense now.
Google Adsense is a Google system that displays (relevant) advertisements on websites. Numerous websites have registered with the system and make space on the website for Google Adsense advertisements. Google determines which ads are the most relevant.
You only have to log in to Google Adsense and link it to your website. You will then receive money every time one of the ads is clicked. It is essential to know that you have a lot of visitors to your website. Just starting a website and waiting for the money to arrive will not work.
Want to know more about making money online? Get started with Online Money Making.
2. Use affiliate marketing to make passive money
I just discussed it while making money with a website; affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an exciting way to make money online. I often apply affiliate marketing myself. This form of marketing ensures that I have a passive income. It often happens that I open my laptop in the morning and have received a notification with new affiliate earnings. Pretty funny, because I was just sleeping at the time!

Affiliate marketing means placing links to products and services from companies. You are actually promoting someone else’s product.
When someone clicks on your link and buys the product or service, you get a commission for it.
The commission for affiliate marketing can amount to 50% and is quickly tens of euros. You can place those links on your website, Instagram page, YouTube channel, Facebook page, or in an email. It doesn’t really matter where, as long as someone can click on it, you can make money with it!
To start with affiliate marketing yourself, you must register with an affiliate program. These programs are intended for linking publishers and affiliates. Here you will find the products that you can promote to a committee. The affiliate program also ensures that a sale is tracked and that the right people receive the commissions. This is done with a kind of tracking code. This way, you can be sure that you will be paid for the promotion.
Popular affiliate programs in the world are Amazon Associates, eBay Partner Network, ShareASale, ClickBank, CJ Affiliate, and PartnerStack program. You can easily register and start making money immediately.
Essential with affiliate marketing is, of course, that you have a large following or a website with many visitors. That increases the chance of success. Simply put, you can say that the more followers or visitors you have, the more money you earn.
Although receiving affiliate commissions is fun, you can also choose to use affiliate marketing the other way around. For example, if you have an online product yourself, you can place it on an affiliate platform. Other people with busy websites can then promote them for you in exchange for a commission—another way to make money online.
3. Translate texts online
If you have a language proficiency yourself, this way of making money online may be something for you. Translating texts can be quite profitable, and it is easy to get assignments. There are different platforms for this.

It is, of course, essential that you have a complete command of two languages and can translate qualitatively. This may involve translating web texts, articles, and even translating a book – the earnings from online translation amount to about 10 cents per word. It means that if you are going to translate a book, you can earn $5,000 with it. You will, of course, not only have that kind of mega assignment. When translating online, you should definitely consider translating websites. For companies, a correct translation (and not Google translate) is essential to come across professionally to their customers.
Good to know with this method of making money online is that your earnings depend very much on the type of language you translate. Chinese and English are the most requested and, therefore, also the highest-paid assignments.
4. Make money with online marketing
Online marketing is also an excellent way to make money online. For the most part, online marketing can be done from behind a laptop, and you can do it from wherever you want. Making money as an online marketer means that you help companies set up advertising campaigns, manage social media, or that are involved in Search Engine Optimization (SEO, Google optimization).
The bottom line is that you help companies to get customers. The extra turnover that this yield is a good reason for many companies to give you a lot of money as an online marketer.

For example, if you run a campaign that earns a company 10,000 dollars (which is certainly not unique), you can quickly charge around 2,000 dollars for yourself. And that while the work often takes no more than a few hours. So you earn according to your worth, not how many hours you work.
The field of online marketing is vast, but the best way to make good money with it is by specializing in one part. When you delve into this, companies are very interested in your skills and are happy to outsource this to you. You are the expert, and that inspires confidence. You can also perform a simple task (of which you know what it yields) and calculate your rate accordingly.

You can specialize in content marketing, SEO, growth hacking, SEA, email marketing, influencer marketing, and conversion optimization. And so there are still many directions! Actually, the field is endless. So choose your specialization, deepen, and start making money online.
5. Instagram, Youtube or Facebook as a revenue model
Anyone who thinks that social media like Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook are only meant for fun is wrong. Making money with social media is possible even though many don’t know how …
In any case, the basis for making money is always the same. You need a large number of active followers on a medium before you can get anything out of it. Think of a lower limit of 50,000 followers on Instagram, 10,000 subscribers on Youtube, or 50,000 page likes on Facebook. It gets interesting with those numbers!

If you have such a follower base, you can start making money online. You do this by, for example, allowing advertisements from companies on your account or doing a review for a company. Again, you can get income with affiliate marketing.
Do you want to know the best about this? Click below on the medium you focus on:
Other ways to make money with social media are paid memberships (Youtube), partnerships, your product or service, donations, Google Adsense, and branding. In any case, the basis is always the same, that you have a particular following.
You could also choose to start your own Social Media Marketing Agency. You then set up advertising campaigns for companies and get paid according to what these campaigns yield to the companies. This is truly a gold business model. But then again, that falls under online marketing.
Note: If you want to know more about making money with social media! It is a field in itself and slightly different for each medium.
6. Sell your e-book
Write an e-book to make money online. An e-book is different from a real book, and it is a book that people can read online, and that makes it different. For example, an e-book does not have to be a 50,000-word novel. In fact, the best-selling e-books are often just 10,000 words.

Mostly e-books are reference books with which other people can learn something. For example, consider writing an e-book about losing weight, thinking positively, or meditating for beginners. With an e-book, people can acquire specific knowledge relatively quickly.
When you write an e-book, you can sell it through platforms such as Amazon. These platforms handle a large part of the sales for you. You just have to write and post it, and they control the distribution. Note, you pay hefty commissions to these parties, if you can publish the book yourself, this suits you better.
7. Make money online with the stock market and crypto
This way of making money online is specially reserved for the math wonders among us. When you are unable to read charts properly, trading stocks or cryptocurrencies will be more of a gamble than wisdom. But knowing what you’re doing is a lucrative way to make money online. One of my friends dived into it once and doubled his $1000 deposit within a day.

However, it often happens that people lose money with this. But if you have a giant piggy bank and are willing to think long-term (and spread your money), this way of making money online is very legitimate.

Two friends of mine earn their full-time income from trading cryptocurrencies. I am therefore sure that it is possible. If anyone can predict the next hype, it’s them!
8. Guiding students online with their homework
Have you finished school? Top! Then you could now help others with that. There are a lot of students in the world who are looking for homework guidance, and you can earn money with it. It is really a trend nowadays that parents turn to tutors faster. This is often outside school because parents want to give something extra to make their son or daughter succeed.

To keep it a little cheap, that homework guidance is done a lot online. After all, this is cheaper because there are no call-out costs. To earn money with homework guidance, it is best to sign up on one of the many platforms that exist for it. Think of homework guidance. That way, you will automatically find students that you can help.
9. Earn money online with coaching
Coaching is emerging and extremely popular now. I’m not talking about coaching a football team, but about coaching someone’s life. You help someone towards their goals and dreams and guide them with the steps. You are primarily a listening ear and give advice where possible about the steps someone can take. You are thus the supporter of someone’s mindset.
The great thing about this era is that you can do coaching online. You don’t have to visit someone for every session, but you can do the coaching via apps like Skype from anywhere in the world.
10. Sell your video training
Are you very good at something? Probably! Then you can help others with this by creating your video training. You make a video training on a specific subject, and you will go deeper into this. Then you will find students who want to follow your video training, and that is how you earn money online. The great thing about video training is that it can provide a passive income. Once video training has been done, you can fully automate the student’s process.

Don’t worry about the movie side surrounding your video training. The most important thing is that the content is excellent; the technique comes second. You can quickly sell your video training via one of the many platforms that are intended for this. Or directly via your website when you are ready.
11. Online shipping
You may have come across this way of making money online in advertisements. After all, there are quite a few gurus who would like to give you a hand with this; online shipping!
How you earn money with it is as follows. You buy products in bulk from China via a platform such as Alibaba. Then you put those products physically on social media and place them in with suitable ads.
When doing online shipping, you do not need a warehouse yourself. Everything can be arranged remotely, and that is what makes it so relaxed.
How to make money online successfully
Of course, you could immediately choose a way to make money online and get started. But often, it is better to first look at what would work best for you. This is different for everyone. In that respect, online is not even that different from offline. You’re just going to look at what you’re already good at, but instead of selling this on the street, sell it online.

For example, if you like to write, then blog. If you wish to cook, make video training about ‘your dishes’ or make a cookbook. Do you like math, maybe you are the daredevil who runs off with cryptocurrency, or like a real online entrepreneur.
Your interests determine the way to make money online
Fair is fair. Making money online sometimes takes a long time. It is, therefore, not for everyone. For example, if you want to drag in your first dollars online today, then you are in the wrong place. Those ways will not help you tomorrow.
If you want to earn money quickly, this might give you something now, but you will be left empty-handed tomorrow. Sustainable ways often give you recurring income and ensure that your online income increases monthly.
If you really want to earn with the internet, it is vital to do something you like. Then you want to put effort into it, and you can really make something of it. And make no mistake; it also comes across to others online if you are enthusiastic about something, and that will help you. So choose something you genuinely like.
I speak from experience when I say that there is also the most money to earn. Purely for the reason that you do not drop out after three days. Your online earnings model should give you energy and not cost energy.
Earn money online without investment
For every way of making money online, it differs whether there is an investment attached to it. But one thing is sure. Online, the investment is always many times lower than offline in the same industry. After all, you don’t have to rent a property or buy inventory. Usually, investment online is mainly time.
Instead of having to invest thousands of dollars, to make money online, you invest your precious time.
Furthermore, it is, of course, entirely up to the way you choose. But without money, you might get very far. I also invested minimal money myself when I started my online marketing agency, blog, and vlog. But when we look at how many hours I’ve spent on that, it is sometimes quite a shock.
And if you think you have lost money, always check your network first, there is still someone who can build a website, film training, design your e-book, etc. Of course, it never hurts to invest in an e-book for the knowledge you are still missing.
Furthermore, it is often the case online that you only spend money when you earn cash. For example, suppose you are doing affiliate marketing (in summary, that it is selling products on a commission basis), you will only have costs (and revenues) if you have sold a product for the affiliate.
Of course, a significant investment is required if you want to make money online by trading shares or trading cryptocurrencies. These methods are, therefore, pre-eminently the plans with the most significant risk.
Make money online with expert tips
Then some tips that I would like to give you. Around me, I see it just as often go wrong as well, and that is a pity. There are so many opportunities online, but you have to know how to grab them, and you must be honest about how significant those opportunities are. So, therefore, some tips.
Don’t think you will be a millionaire online in no time
Of course, I have worded this a bit exaggerated, but making money online is often the long haul. It’s really not that you do a course today and sell it 100x tomorrow. It takes effort, and people learn by doing. Unfortunately, it is often pretended online that it is all simple, but do not be mistaken.

Take yourself and your plans seriously and opt for a long-term strategy. Especially when you want to work on a passive online income, a long-term plan is what ensures that in one year, you will never have to look at your finances again.
Work towards a passive online income
This is the most significant advantage of making money online. The fact that you can work towards a passive income. This means that you earn cash for which you do not have to do anything at that time. So it comes into your bank account passively. This is possible online, which is very cool. But make no mistake. Passive does not mean that you never had to do anything for it; of course, you did put some effort into making it a success.
Know the basics of online marketing
Online marketing often comes into play. You have to know how to sell something via the internet. How can you best come across, and how can you convince others? Know the basics of online marketing to make your way of making money online a success. Many people I meet on my travels had also followed training or education before they became successful online.
Ask others to help you
Never forget what others can do for you. Friends have always been there for you, so maybe now too. Perhaps you can set up something together or see how someone else’s skills match what you want to do. If you choose to put an online product on the market, you can also ask your circle of acquaintances if they’re going to help you promote it. That’s how I got my first online customers myself.
Start making money online now
Hopefully, you will be able to make money online using one of the above methods. At least I have every confidence in it.
A little under the guise, if I can do it, you can certainly do it! Achieving online success is primarily a mindset. It is about perseverance and willpower. But when I look back and see what I got in return, I don’t regret the effort I showed. Good luck!