Shark dancer dances with sharks and overlook their fierce bites

Cristina Zenato is a conservationist known as the “shark dancer” and has dived with the world’s most dangerous aquatic animals for 24 years. The pictures of her and sharks go viral as many Facebook users compliment her adventures.

Do you find it dangerous to interact with sharks? For Cristina Zenato it is an unforgettable experience. The shark dancer stays in the depth of an ocean with a group of sharks. Those sharks feet on her knees while “fuse dance” is going on. For many people it turns out to be a terrifying experience; however, for the researcher, they have become their dance partners. The photographs on Facebook have unleashed the admiration of thousands of users.

Shark dancer dances with sharks and overlook their fierce bites

Cristina is recognized as the shark dancer. She does not hesitate to experience the close bond that unites her with one of the most dangerous aquatic animals. The 47-year-old conservationist has vast experience in diving with the world’s most dangerous aquatic animals for more than 24 years. “The first time I put a shark to sleep was my second dive with them,” she said. “That big female swam directly in my lap,” the risky woman mentioned.

Shark dancer dances with sharks and overlook their fierce bites

“The most amazing thing was that this 8-foot shark that felt its weight on my thighs, could begin to feel its smooth movement, while diving. I started crying in my mask because it was so incredible, so unique,” she reveals on Facebook.

Throughout her career, Cristina has shown that her most prized companions are sharks. “I always had a childhood dream of having sharks as friends,” stressed the Shark dancer.

Shark dancer dances with sharks and overlook their fierce bites


Over the years, Cristina wears a chainmail suit to protect herself, as she moves among the sharp-toothed fish, caressing their noses. Her goal for women is to change the way people think about fierce marine animals. “I want people to understand that sharks are vulnerable,” she said. “The disconnection between the real world and the perceptions of the people is so huge,” the Shark dancer concludes.

Shark dancer dances with sharks and overlook their fierce bites

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