Shocking images of a girl who survives after being run over

The dangers for children at home must be taken with the necessary preventive measures. The security conditions of the home are necessary to counteract any event that puts at risk the safety of the most vulnerable.

Babies are the most endanger in the home. After a sufficient age they begin to move at will, at this time is when the home can become a real world of danger. Each year domestic accidents cause too many dramas.

Road accidents are a problem in China. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), about 260,000 people die every year from this cause.

That is the case with the 2-year-old infant. Who miraculously survive an accident that happened on October 31 in the Chinese city of Yiwu. That lead to a vehicle passing over her.

Shocking images of a girl who survives after being run over
Little laying down after car pass over her

In the images record and show by a security camera, you can see how the car rolls over. clearly appreciating how one of the rear wheels passes over her, while the youngest was lying in the street.

A family member explained that the girl is suffering some scratches as a result of the event.

Fortunately, the doctors explain that the child is not seriously injured. And that thanks to her bones are still soft, which help reduce the impact of the car.

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