Naked swimmer chases wild boar that runs off with his laptop

There’s hilarity on social media about pictures of a naked man chasing a wild boar that ran off with his laptop. The facts happened at the German Teufelssee, a glacial lake in the Grunewald near Berlin.
As in many parts of Germany, it is allowed to swim naked. And that is also what the man in the picture seems to have done when he got unexpected visitors.
On the pictures shared by a witness on Wednesday, you can see how he is running after a wild boar with two little ones under great hilarity. The boar has his laptop bag in his mouth. “Nature strikes back,” according to the witness.
“Wild boar hunting on Lake Teufelssee. The man’s laptop is in the yellow bag, that’s why he gave the best of himself, even in Adam’s costume.”
According to the woman, the man thought it was okay that she shared the images. “I showed the pictures to the man,” it sounds. “He laughed loudly and gave me permission to make them public. I think there are funny sides to life, too. I’m sure you can share them.”