Tattoos on saggy skin! What happens to tattoos in old age

One of the favorite arguments from opponents of tattoos: ‘Have you thought what will happen to your tattoo in old age?’ What follows is usually a colorful description of a faded pattern on loose skin. Are all tattoo owners waiting for such an unenviable fate in old age?

Not all judgments on this topic are equally valid. Do all tattoos age the same, and what will your drawing look like in old age or when your skin sags? Reasonable answers to these and other vital questions, as well as photos of older people with tattoos, you will find in this article.

What will happen to a tattoo in old age

Indeed, over the years, our skin becomes less elastic, sagging, and stretched. As a result, tattoos in older people, both men, and women may slightly change shape, size, and proportion.

In addition, the ink itself can also change shade over time. It depends on the:

  • observance of the technology by the tattoo artist;
  • choosing the correct depth of application;
  • brand and quality of ink;
  • the lifestyle of a person.

If you ventured to go to a little-known salon or to an artist who works at home, then be prepared that your tattoo will start to present surprises in a few years. Pale colors, a floating contour, merging small details are just some of the negative consequences that those who like to save money on a trip to a tattoo shop sadly notice.

It’s incredible how people are sometimes willing to pay big money for branded clothes or expensive jewelry, but at the same time count every hundred dollars, comparing the offers of tattoo shops. The drawing on the body will remain with you for life – you definitely should not save.

Another important factor is a change in worldview. Motives and symbols that were dear to you in your youth may lose their attractiveness over the years. Sometimes a person changes his views to diametrically opposite ones. In this regard, sometimes it is necessary to cover, hide or even remove tattoos in adulthood. It is worth remembering the possibility of such a development of events when making some tattoos, in particular:

  • political;
  • religious;
  • names of people and significant dates;
  • stories based on pop culture.

How to maintain the appearance of a tattoo even in old age

If saggy tattoos in old age scare you, there are several ways to extend their life, keep them clear and rich until old age.

Several life hacks for the most far-sighted and prudent:

Allocate under the drawing those areas on the body that, due to anatomy, least of all react to weight fluctuations and other age-related changes. These are the legs, shoulder blades, and other areas with a thin layer of fat and the absence of frequent muscle contractions. Conversely, areas such as the belly, thighs, cleavage, hands, or buttocks are the least successful in maintaining the tattoo’s appearance. If the skin is in constant motion, experiences frequent friction or stretches due to weight changes, the pattern will deform intensively.

Choose neutral stories that will look relevant at any age and with any worldview. Before deciding on a specific sketch, think about this. Is it appropriate? Aesthetic?
Work only with professionals of the highest level – this guarantees the quality of the work and a more extended period of wearing the tattoo without correction.

Remember that even if all these rules are observed, a lot depends on the body’s constitution and skin elasticity; therefore, it is impossible to guarantee that your drawing will remain unchanged even after 40 years.

What to do if a tattoo in old age does not look the same as in youth

Even if you have a quality tattoo in a good location, sooner or later, you will notice a change. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • correction of the picture;
  • full or partial overlap;
  • removal.

Correction involves updating the contour and refreshing the color. Do not abuse this procedure: each new session injures the skin, and too frequent modifications can cause severe skin diseases.

Overlapping part of the drawing or the entire sketch is relevant if there is a desire to change the plot. However, the same rules apply here as with correction.

Finally, removal is a radical way to get rid of tattoos. Modern technologies make it possible to significantly lighten the work in several sessions, but it is almost impossible to eliminate the pigment.

How to extend the life of tattoos

Protect your tattoo from direct sunlight with cream or clothing.
Try not to allow significant fluctuations in weight; stick to one physical form.
Be especially alert to skin conditions during rapid weight gain (such as puberty or pregnancy). The area of the abdomen and thighs is a risk zone for y – in these places, it is more often subjected to deformation.
Avoid frequent contact with harsh chemicals, including chlorinated pool water. Choose pools where the water is purified by ionization.

Is it worth worrying so much?

One of the greats said: “I wish people would worry about their inner world as well as about their outer appearance!” Indeed, we sometimes pay too much attention to our appearance, forgetting that inner fulfillment is much more critical for those around us and ourselves. Getting old doesn’t mean getting worse. If an older adult lives an active life, positively communicates with others, makes the life of his loved ones better, surrounds them with care and love, does it matter what his tattoos look like? Conversely, you can have new clean skin, but at the same time be an unpleasant person in old age with whom you do not want to spend time.

Our skin is a kind of life diary. Tattoos, scars, piercings – all this reminds of certain events and periods of a person’s formation. We keep old photos even if they are faded and frayed. You should treat your old tattoos in the same way – with love and acceptance.

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