The hard truth about your dreams

Even as adults, many of us still believe in some miracle. This is especially true of the most intimate – what you dream of. You make unrealistic plans for life, set goals for yourself, but do not make efforts to achieve them. You do not make the necessary sacrifices; you wait for the perfect moment to start moving forward – and at the same time sincerely hope that everything will turn out exactly as you intended.

It’s time to face the truth – not everything in life happens the way you want it to. And the sooner you take off your rose-coloured glasses, the easier it will be for you to experience unpleasant turns of fate. You will learn to accept everything calmly, without unnecessary emotions.

We have collected the hard truth about your dreams, which you must find out and try to accept right now.

You must be prepared for disappointment

No matter how cruel it sounds, not all of your dreams are destined to come true, no matter how much time and effort you put into their realization. And you initially have to accept that you might fail. And not always because of their mistakes.

First, you can outgrow your dreams. This happens when you strive for a set goal for a long time, invest a bunch of your resources, and at one point, just a couple of steps before achieving success, you realize that you don’t need it. You no longer have the desire to work on your dream, and the thought of how you will realize your plan no longer brings you the pleasure it used to be. Your life plans have changed, you have set priorities differently, or you suddenly realized that you were mistaken in your plans.

Second, you may fail due to external circumstances, such as unfair treatment of other people, other people’s mistakes, or the will of chance. The outcome of your actions will never depend 100% on you. So, no matter how hard you strive to achieve your goal, you cannot be sure that you will achieve it.

You need to work at your “uninteresting” job to satisfy your vital needs

Most motivational videos or articles start the same way – you are advised to quit a tedious job as soon as possible and immediately find something that better meets your needs or pleases you. This is especially often advised for those who plan to monetize their hobby or open their own business.

The main thing here is not to think in isolation from reality. Yes, if you leave your job, which does not help you get closer to making your dreams come true, you can save a lot of time and energy. But look at the situation from the other side – your actions will not immediately lead you to the desired result. While you are looking for your first clients, building a portfolio, fiddling with documents, and so on, you will need money to satisfy your basic needs in life: buy food and clothing, pay for rental housing, utility bills.

The harsh truth that you need to admit is that you will have to work in your hated job if only to keep your standard of living from sinking to the bottom. You will have to look for strength to spend resources to make money and achieve your dreams simultaneously.

In pursuit of a dream, you can confuse objective and subjective success

There are two types of success: objective and subjective. In the first case, you need to have a good salary, a high status, to move up the career ladder, etc. These are attributes of success recognized in a society; these criteria make the people around you judge you.

Subjective success is a much more important thing for any person. In this case, you do not evaluate yourself and your level of success from the people’s point of view. You correlate what you have and what you are trying to achieve with your feelings. You will not evaluate the number of zeros in your salary. Still, whether it is enough for a comfortable life, you will put career satisfaction above the prestige of your position.

It is essential to distinguish between objective and subjective success to understand in time why your achievements do not make you feel proud and happy. If you focus only on fulfilling your dreams that will lead you to accepted success, you will remain disappointed in life.

You will have to limit yourself in pleasures and communication with loved ones

If you want to make your cherished dream come true, you must be ready to sacrifice a lot for it. First of all, it concerns fleeting pleasures, communication with family and friends, perhaps, pursuing your favourite hobby. While your friends will gather for the next gatherings, you will be immersed in hard work on yourself and on your goal. You won’t have time to “just lie down” or do what you enjoy doing. More precisely, you will have to ruthlessly prioritize, sweeping aside what does not bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams.

Perhaps at some point, you will even be disappointed in your dream, if only because the motivation will be partially lost. You won’t recuperate normally by regularly doing things that help you get back to work and focus on what is important. You will have to work with a constant feeling of fatigue, fight apathy and look for reasons you should not stop halfway.

You will not make your dreams come true if you don’t take a chance one day and drop out of your everyday life for a while.

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