The most common mistakes made by young applicants

Whether you’ve done it just twice or dozens of times, a job interview is nerve-wracking. One can handle the stress perfectly, the other not at all.

But we all make mistakes, and that’s okay. However, it is best not to do the following things at your next job interview.

Being way too early

If you’re late, you’ve probably lost your chance right away. But being too early isn’t good either because it puts pressure on the interviewer. The last thing you want is to ask the questions to rush before the conversation even starts.

Are you too early? Then look for a lovely coffee house or a park nearby. This way you can relax for a while or get some fresh air. Make sure you arrive five minutes in advance. This way, you are still on time, and they immediately see what an ideal colleague you are.

Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

You have to distinguish yourself from the other candidates if you want the job by only answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the questions. A job interview is a time to reveal yourself ultimately. So show your knowledge, your talents and your skills and prove them with some examples. That’s the only way you can score.

I’m the man

Did you score a twenty on your exam? Or do you have two masters in your pocket? Congrats! But that won’t get you very far in a job interview because you still have to prove yourself in the workplace first. So don’t be arrogant, but show clearly that you still want to learn a lot and look forward to working among all those experienced people.

Anti social media

Well, not everyone is a fan of social media, but a LinkedIn profile should certainly not be missing if you are looking for a job. It perfectly reflects what you can do and what experience you already have. Be sure to provide the link before your interview so that the interviewer can take a look.

Not being prepared

Do you know what the firm stands for? Which values and norms are essential? And what the company has already achieved so far. A mistake many young people make is going to the job interview without any knowledge of the company. Immerse yourself for a day in the world of your potential employer. Screen the company’s website and search for articles on the internet so you can answer everything.

Party Photos

A photo sometimes says more than a million words. And especially when your profile on Facebook is full of pictures of parties, your pet, your best friends and your sweetheart. They may be pleasant memories, but employers often fail. So be mindful of who you share your photos with. It would be best if you also chose a professional portrait for your resume, without a duckface or a thumb in the air.

Forgotten documents at home

Yes, you already submitted your resume once when you applied for the job. However, it is best to take an extra copy with you.

Don’t write a book

And, of course, you shouldn’t take that literally. But some people find it annoying to hand out a resume that doesn’t have much on it. If you’ve just graduated, you don’t have any experience yet. So you don’t have to come up with things, because that can cause many problems later.


A job interview is usually a time to get to know each other. Of course, you are curious about the salary, but immediately demanding a higher amount is not done. You may indicate what you expect, provided it is realistic.

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