These signals don’t bode well during a job interview

Anyone looking for work can experience this: a job interview where you don’t really know afterward whether you did well or not. You could answer all questions, and the recruiter was friendly, but what does that mean for your chances?
These are the five clear signs that you will probably not be invited for the next round.
The recruiter showed little or no interest in who you are
A job interview is not just about highlighting your experience and skills. A recruiter also wants to find out who you are as a person. How are you in life? What are your hobbies? Are you a group person or rather solitary? If you didn’t get a single question along those lines, chances are the recruiter already mentally classified your candidacy.
They hardly asked any extra questions
Anyone who can answer quickly during a job interview, of course, already has an advantage. But do you have the feeling that the recruiter was completing a questionnaire on autopilot? Then that’s not such a good sign. Of course, your answers may have been comprehensive, but no additional questions often mean no interest. After all, an interested recruiter will put you to the test.
Your availability has not been polled
If they see a potential employee in you, the recruiter will usually ask when you will be available. At the very least, he or she will say the latest when someone is needed to reinforce the team. Wasn’t anything said about this? That could mean you didn’t make such a good impression. The same applies to any subsequent steps in the procedure. If they don’t ask you if you are available for the second phase, you may not be eligible.
The conversation quickly ended
Hiring a new employee is not something you do quickly: it also costs the company or organization a decent amount of money. The person in question must not only have the right competencies, he or she must also fit into the company culture and the team. A job interview, therefore, serves to get to know the candidate thoroughly, beyond the details in the CV. If the conversation ended quickly, or if it took a lot less time than expected, you already know what time it is.
The salary was not discussed
Salary conditions are an important part of a job interview. If the vacancy only spoke of ‘competitive conditions’, people will certainly ask about your salary wishes or give a sneak peek of their offer. If it concerns remuneration according to a scale, then you already have an idea in advance, but it is possible to discuss how much seniority you can claim, or about any fringe benefits. Hasn’t a word been said about remuneration? That is often a clear signal that people have doubts about your future in the company.