Top 5 women who were kicked out of airplane due to their outfit

Several women have been kicked off an airplane because of their outfit: deep neckline or revealing their boobs.

Some women have encountered what they called “harassment” or “humiliation” during their flight due to their clothes or dressing code. However, choosing what to wear sometimes doesn’t go down well with the choice of some people. Some female outfits like deep neckline seem nice to some and appreciate it, while others see that as offensive.

Being booted out of a plane because of your dressing code has generated many questions. While some people argued that flight crews have no right to decide what the passengers should put on. Some insisted that some outfits look offensive. Below are the top 5 women booted out of flight for their outfits.

1. Harriet Osborne

Top 5 women who were kicked out of airplane due to their outfit
Harriet Osborne

In July 2019, Harriet Osborne, a 31-year-old mother of two, says she broke down in tears after being made to feel “cheap” when she was told her top was too revealing. A source said some passengers complained to the crew that they could see Harriet’s nipples, but Harriet said she covered everything.

She said that she covered with a companion rider but was not allowed to return. Easyjet says she behaved “disruptively towards a member of our crew.” Harriet told The Sun: “The crew were horrible and made me feel cheap.”

However, Harriet had to sleep on the ground at Malaga airport with her friend before returning home the next day after paying an extra £149 for another flight.

2. Emily O’Connor

Top 5 women who were kicked out of airplane due to their outfit
Emily O’Connor

In March 2019, a Thomas Cook Airlines flight attendant kicked Emily O’Connor (21) off a flight from Birmingham, England to the Canary Islands. Her crop top was deemed “inappropriate” by the flight director.

According to O’Connor, shortly after she entered the plane, four flight staff members surrounded her and told her that she would be removed from the flight if she didn’t cover-up. When she didn’t, they made a loudspeaker announcement to let other passengers know that her “offensive and inappropriate” shirt was the reason the plane had not yet left.

The pilot then held the plane for a total of 20 minutes until O’Connor put a jacket on his crop top and the flight finally departed.

3. Kayla Eubanks

Woman refused on the plane because of the deep neckline
©Twitter – Kayla Eubanks

Kayla Eubanks of Chicago wanted to fly on a Southway Airlines flight

on October 6, 2020. However, an airline employee believed her blacktop was cut too deep. Her breasts were not covered enough, which could be offensive to other passengers.

Kayla clearly disagreed. At the check-in counter, a woman screened Southway Airlines’ dress code, but Eubanks did not see the dress code. Yet her outfit was deemed offensive.

The other passengers were all on the plane, while the frustrated Eubanks stayed behind at the check-in desk for nearly half an hour. There she eventually got talking to a pilot. He offered her his T-shirt, after which the woman was allowed on board.

4. Maggie McMuffin

Maggie McMuffin
Maggie McMuffin

In June 2016, Maggie McMuffin, a burlesque dancer, was prevented from boarding the plane. She was told that her choice of clothing was inappropriate and offensive to the passengers onboard the flight. Maggie wore black and white striped shorts, knee-high socks, and a graphic jumper at the airport. She told ABC News that the flight crew refused her service because her shorts were too tight.

Missed preparation on occasion! Maggie boarded the plane with only one outfit.

She tried to compromise with the flight crew, suggesting that she tie a jumper around her waist or even use a blanket during the flight. But in turn, the staff told her that if she did not change her outfit, she would be booted out.

As a result, Maggie ended up buying “appropriate” shorts at a kiosk at the airport and was then able to board the flight.

5. Tasha Rowe

Tasha Rowe
Tasha Rowe

In June 2019, Dr. Tisha Rowe (37) was about to fly from Jamaica to Miami when a flight attendant kicked her off from the plane because of her romper. She was forced to cover herself with a blanket before being allowed back on the plane.

Rowe insisted that her race was the factor, not the cloth. “Had they seen that same issue in a woman who was not a woman of color, they would not have felt empowered to take me off the plane,” Dr. Rowe said.

According to the spokeswoman, Shannon Gilson, American Airlines apologized and agreed to issue a refund to Dr. Rowe

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  1. Birth parties were wrong.
    You shouldn’t be dressed like you’re walking around in your underwear. But the staff shouldn’t have treated them that way. There is a professional way to tell someone what they wear is inappropriate without having people feeling embarrassed.
    If they were approached differently in sure they would’ve responded differently.
    The dress code for boarding an airline need to be clear and noticable. It’s not going to help if the dress code can’t be found or easily accessible. Common sense doesn’t exist or there wouldn’t be issues like one.

  2. I ticks me off how these women were treated. Slut shaming by the airlines, airlines with no moral values as implied by their nickel and dimming of passenger which resulted in airlines making record profits for years, and when the going go tough they unscrupulously took not one, but two, bail outs from the government. I would had left them out to dry.

    The girl with the shirts, supposedly because they were too tight. What a load of crap! Not only were they not too tight, but even if they were so damn what? I once say a guy in a plane with a very tight t-shirt that clearly countered his muscle arms, pecs, and six pack. No one told him anything. In fact, the flight attendants, including a guy that sounded more gay than the definition of gay in a dictionary, were all drooling. WTF!

    But one thing that really pissed me off was the last one. I am so sick and tired of blacks pulled the stupid race card for everything. Specially to justify ghetto behavior. I am not talking about the lady in the article, I do not believe that she was dressed inappropriately. She was coming back from Jamaica, from crying out loud! But to pull out the race card was down right stupid. Most of the women in the article where white. So are we supposed to believe that they were targeted for being white?

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