USA: A woman from the DRC protest by climbing the Statue of Liberty

An activist, identified as Therese Patricia Okoumou from the Democratic Republic of Congo and who has lived in New York for almost ten years appeared in court to be formally charged.

Indeed, Patricia climbed the Statue of Liberty on American Independence Day to protest the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy, and was charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and interference. with the government administration.

She climbed the nearly 50 meters of the base of the Statue of Liberty with her bare hands.

On Wednesday, July 4, video footage of the incident showed the 44-year-old Congolese immigrant wearing a T-shirt that read “Trumpcare Makes Us Sick”: “Trump’s prescribed care makes us sick.”

Okoumou reportedly told the police that she was protesting the separation of families at the US-Mexico border.

It belongs to the “Rise and Resist” group, a non-profit organization created after the 2016 US presidential election in response to Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric.

Rise and Resist is campaigning for the closure of the US Immigration and Customs Agency and campaigning to protest the policy of separation of families.

According to the New York Times, Patricia Okoumou began climbing the Statue of Liberty at 3pm before engaging in a confrontation with the police for about three hours.

National Park Service officials told The Times that they evacuated some 4,500 tourists from the resort when they spotted Ms. Okoumou.

Rise and Resist issued a statement confirming that Ms. Okoumou’s actions had been “made independently of the group, without the consent of the members.”

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