Wary “bump” in pants of driver: officer finds four living(!) Kittens

At the border control in Singapore, officers looked strange when they intercepted a traveler with a striking “bump” in his pants. When the package started to meow, the surprise was complete. The officer eventually found four living kittens hidden in his pants.
The 45-year-old driver was stopped at the border with Singapore last Wednesday in a routine check of his car. Then the officers also noticed that the man had a suspicious “bump” in his sweatpants that sounded “meowing noises”.
With a further check it turned out that the man had four live cats under the elastic of his pants. He tried to smuggle it into the country for unclear reasons. The kittens were rescued and are now being taken care of by the ‘Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority’ (AVA) of Singapore.

It is forbidden in Singapore to bring live animals into the country without a permit. The animals can cause exotic diseases, explains the border control. The driver risks a maximum penalty of no less than 10,000 dollars (just over 8,700 euros), one year in prison, or a combination of both.