Ways to improve self-esteem

Every person has such a period in life that everything falls out of hand, seemingly simple plans collapse; it is impossible to solve elementary problems. At such moments, you can not only become depressed but also believe in everything, even in the evil eye, even in a curse. However, there is nothing in fallen self-esteem that cannot be repaired. Sometimes it takes time, it always takes effort and works on oneself, but the result is worth it. Of course, the reasons are important here, and this is already very individual, but some general techniques can still be distinguished. Perhaps something will be applicable and useful specifically for you.

7 ways to improve self-esteem

1. Go back to the activity you are good at

Anything will do, from drawing to sports, as long as you like it and work it out. Usually, this is some forgotten hobby from childhood, for which there is no time left in adulthood. It disappears as a relic of the past, is perceived as a useless pastime. Nevertheless, this hobby makes a person unique, heats the excitement, and makes him improves. Only after returning to a forgotten but once beloved occupation, the person realize how much he limited himself because, in reality, little can be more important.

What you love always turns out better than everything else, and if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t irritate. On the contrary, it only spurs on the desire to learn, surpass yesterday’s version of yourself, and become a little better. This is possible with work, so higher wages should not be regarded as the main, let alone the only, argument.

2. Delve into an unpopular topic

Broadening one’s horizons is always beneficial and often pays off; in the end, it is possible to support conversations on various topics instead of discussing the proposed plan. If you have a lot of free time due to falling self-esteem, use it to study something not very popular, certainly not politics or all kinds of conspiracy theories.

The fact is that by delving into an unpopular topic, a person has every chance of becoming a greater expert than those around him. Even if only in one, not all interesting topic. Such a situation will gratify pride, but it is impossible to achieve it “from under the stick.” The chosen topic should be of interest to you, and then in just a few months, you will be able to complete an entire university course.

3. Move more

In a healthy body – a healthy mind, have you heard that? This is true, and the older the person, the more relevant the saying. You sit up a bit, and that’s it, you can’t pull out anywhere, you don’t want anything, as if you count every unnecessary movement. Living in an energy-saving mode relaxes not only muscles but also the mind. Denying oneself in physical actions, a person refuses some emotions, albeit small, but still achievements.

There is no happiness without victories, but they are not even replaced by defeat, but nothing at all. Gradually, consciousness narrows down to the level of monotonous and everyday functions. It can be compared to putting your life on autopilot.

Just walking or cycling is enough if nothing more interesting comes to mind. Naturally, it will be much better if you remember some sport because you need competition and an indispensable victory. Imagine how much higher your self-esteem would be if you had at least a couple of weekly victories. So why are you sitting? Summer is coming; get ready in advance; otherwise, you won’t have time again.

4. Buy yourself something you want

Such a purely consumer-oriented approach can also work, probably for a short while, probably not forever. However, if you have not pampered yourself for a long time, and there is something desired, buy it at last, even if you are running out of money.

Do not wait for a sale or appearance on the used market, because if you always deny yourself everything, why then work at all? Such self-restraint can be the main reason for the fall in self-esteem when a person does not see the results of his activities at all. Here inevitably, questions from the category: “Why do I live?”

5. Don’t cling to people who neglect you

No matter how strong our hopes and patient expectations are, people rarely change. There is no more senseless action than dancing around those who neglect you. There is only one way out – to let go and forget, having found new, what are called “our” people.

From time to time, flirting with those who do not appreciate you, you will stumble upon the same result, even if you try even harder, surpassing your own capabilities. The effect will not keep you waiting long; it is always disappointment in yourself because the absence of changes in attitude is perceived as a personal failure.

Neglect is reflected not by rudeness but by a lack of reciprocity. Put, when, despite all the curtsies, the answer is silence or a mockery disguised as a joke. Do not tolerate unfunny jokes addressed to you, especially if there is nothing else at all apart from them.

6. Become easier and more difficult at the same time

No paradox, look, there are you and the world around you. You are not one, and, therefore, the attitude towards these two objects can be different. Try to treat the world and everything that happens around easier. All the more so that you cannot control. Happened and happened, nevertheless remained alive and well, we draw conclusions, we go further. On the contrary, take yourself a little more seriously, as the film’s main character, only in this case the movie is long, called “life”.

There is no reason to always go around with a serious face, probably even the opposite, but in my head, it is worth carrying out quite serious excavations. Over the years, so much rubbish has accumulated there that no archaeologist will rake it up; you will have to clean it yourself.

This is the only way to understand what remains important for you and what is anachronism, which has long been a place in the museum of unfulfilled ideas. It is possible that these ideas do not drag to the bottom because they are still there, in the head, but they will never be realized.

7. Don’t promise, don’t argue, and control your emotions

A lost argument and a broken promise always leave their mark. Some people endure it easier, as if not noticing; for others, it becomes almost a personal tragedy. It is not only scale that plays a role here, but also intensity. For example, if a person constantly promises something and never fulfills it, he ceases to take his words seriously. Roughly the same with an eternally arguing person who is often not particularly competent. A chain reaction is triggered, forcing you to promise and argue even more often, on absolutely any topic, without pursuing any goals.

As a result, words, like a person’s very opinion, are devalued to zero, and, most importantly, he understands this perfectly. Among other things, learn to control your emotions. Easier said than done, and this is really hard work on yourself, but at least some feelings can be controlled or reduced. Emotions make us more human, but they also expose all vices. Just one escaped emotion, only one uncomfortable moment can be memorized forever. You will remember them at night, replaying the options and burning with shame. The more of these memories, the more clogged self-esteem becomes.

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