Woman not allowed to rent room due to her constellation

A woman looking for a room in the American city of Portland, Oregon, can whistle for her home. The reason? Her zodiac sign. “Christine” is not eligible as a Capricorn, the current resident says. A screenshot in which Christine was told this is being shared on social media.

The woman did not put the rejection online, a twitterer who is in the same Facebook group that searches for roommates with an LGBT background (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender), did so instead. “Our main goal is to keep things egalitarian, without anyone “in charge” or domming the household. I love Capricorns, but I don’t think I could live with one.

The residents who offer the room for rent are themselves virgins and twins. It is not clear whether the two are a couple. Adults sharing a house or apartment sharing is a common practice in many US cities considering its ears high rent.

Some characteristic traits attributed to ibex (born between December 22 and January 20): ambitious, leadership, practical, sometimes knowledgeable and steadfast. The screenshot tweet has been shared almost 15,000 times.

Pure discrimination, many argue. If ‘Christine’ hires a lawyer and takes the residents to court, she has a good chance of compensation. Although discrimination on the basis of the zodiac sign may also be unexplored territory for lawyers in Oregon.


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