15 key qualities that are more important than work experience

Most employers write that they need people with experience, but is it? There are as many as 15 personality traits that may not be much more important than experience …

Employers don’t always know who they need

Most companies, to be honest, are rather vague about what exactly they need from a new employee. In addition to this, it can be difficult for the HR departments of these companies to describe specific job requirements on paper, even if they are more or less familiar with them.

Because of this, most companies indicate in their vacancies the requirements for candidates, with a margin overlapping the education and experience really necessary for the successful completion of this work. In doing so, the employer seeks to weed out inexperienced candidates even before sending them their resumes, leaving more time for interviewing the best of the best.

Most of the time, however, this method scares off young and capable candidates.

Employers are often flexible

One of the most important things to keep in mind when looking for a job is that most job requirements, especially those related to experience, are extremely flexible and changeable. The requirements specified by the employer in the job description are usually just a rough selection of the ideal combination of skills that they would like to see in the candidate. Personal qualities, if they are mentioned, then only in passing, and only as additional requirements.

But when it comes to interviewing, it is the applicants’ personality traits that have the greatest impact on the likelihood of being hired.

People hire people they like

The HR department, of course, takes experience and qualifications into account, but as a rule, HR managers hire those they like. Yes, that’s right, so never let qualifications or work experience restrictions get in your way. And if you are firmly convinced that you can cope with this work, you are most likely exactly the employee that the employer needs.

And all that is left for you is to convince him that he needs you.

So, here are 15 key qualities, the combination of which can often easily cover the requirements for work experience and qualifications:

  1. Self-Confidence – If you are completely confident in yourself, others will notice it, do not even hesitate. After all, it is much easier for them to believe in someone who believes in himself.
  2. Enthusiasm – Enthusiasm is contagious. In a professional environment, enthusiasts help stir up their colleagues and help them get more pleasure from their work. So, having shown at the interview your willingness to take up work with enthusiasm, figuratively speaking, you will knock two birds with one stone, not only showing your interlocutor that you like this vacancy but also slightly cheering him up.
  3. Optimistic outlook on the world – Pessimism and negativity are repulsive. An optimistic view of the world, on the other hand, gives the interview a positive attitude. It also makes it clear to the other person that you, among other things, can improve the emotional climate in the workplace.
  4. Personal Compatibility – Human Resources professionals tend to hire people they like. They also try to avoid potentially conflicting candidates. Of course, it is challenging to start working on this quality in advance, since personalities, as a rule, either fit together like a hand to a glove or not, but you can always imagine yourself as a team player, ready to change if you need to.
  5. Awareness of the company and its area of activity – Knowing exactly what the company you are trying to work for and the latest trends and innovations in its field of activity clearly shows your motivation to learn and grow within the position you are applying for.
  6. Leadership qualities – Generally, leadership qualities are quite universal and apply to any field of activity. So if you have previously shown leadership qualities or have worked in a leadership position (even in an environment completely unrelated to the position for which you are interviewing), this is very worth mentioning.
  7. Education – Of course, education does not necessarily replace experience. However, suppose you’ve bothered to get your first or second higher education, after which you become the proud owner of a diploma that is directly related to the job you are trying to get a job. In that case, this can drown out the employer’s concerns about the lack of relevant experience.
  8. Ability to communicate with people – Without this skill, you lost without even starting a fight. Communicating your thoughts directly, clearly, and unequivocally to the person you are talking to makes you look confident, ready for any surprises, and trustworthy. It allows you to sell yourself to the employer at the highest price and allows you to convey to him all your other positive qualities.
  9. Stability and decency – If you can boast of positive characteristics from your past work, school, and institute, this will be a huge plus in your favor. Employers look at stability and non-conflict very favorably, rightly believing that you will prove yourself in the same way at a new job.
  10. Looks and clothes – Of course, looks are not everything, but you must have heard the saying “their clothes greet them”? Wearing the right business attire can help you look older, smarter, and more career-minded. Your clothes are part of a mental game of changing your psychological perception. Many people still judge a book by its cover … it’s sad, but it’s one of those realities that must always be taken into account.
  11. Openness to newness and flexibility of mind – Openness to newness, the flexibility of mind, and a willingness to adapt to any work environment and task help you appear in the employer’s eyes as a person who can handle any job. This is all he needs – an employee who can cope with the work entrusted to him.
  12. Sense of humor – No, I do not advise you to start joking during the interview with or without reason because it will not lead you to anything good. However, show your interlocutor during the interview that you are looking at the world with a fair amount of humor, without taking anything too seriously. It can play in your favor. This makes it clear to the employer representative that you can see things in a positive light and leaves a positive imprint of your personality on dry answers to questions. People with a pleasant character stand out from others – if only they allow it to manifest itself in life situations.
  13. Decisiveness – If you can always get what you want, try to show it in the interview. Make it clear to your interlocutor that you do not give up halfway and always finish what you started.
  14. Being polite and courteous- People tend to be more warm and cordial towards those who are polite and courteous. Being polite help show people your bright side and that you can easily get along with other people. In addition, any employer wants to be completely confident that if his employees have to communicate with customers or business partners, they will only show their best side.
  15. Real, genuine honesty, and sincerity – Being sincere and honest in a job interview is morally correct and pretty smart. Trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship. If you start a relationship with people with evasion and deception, it will not end well. One of the ways to hint at your sincerity during a short interview is to honestly and thoughtfully explain to your interlocutors that you are interested in this vacancy, also because you want their company to have an impact on your entire further career path, and you are ready trust them in this. Show your willingness to work hard and be honest about what you are striving for.

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