Should you include work experience on resume? 5 things to exclude

A strong resume is more than just a document of your work history. It should clearly state why you are the perfect person for the job. You can, therefore, never send the same CV twice. The document should focus on the role and company you are applying to.
Sounds logical, right? Your resume shouldn’t be filled with old and redundant information that harms your job prospects. Still, it isn’t easy to decide what should or should not be on your resume.
The temptation is great to cram as much information as possible into your resume. But the following five things you should not put on your resume if you already have some work experience.
5 things you shouldn’t put on your resume
You should often put on your resume if you don’t have much experience yet. Have you just graduated, and are you at the start of your career? Then you better grab these tips to boost your resume.
1. Old and irrelevant jobs
It’s great that you walked through a newspaper route when you were 15, but you have now gained much more relevant work experience. This is an extreme example, but this is true even for grown-up jobs that you’ve done in the past, but that is irrelevant to the position you’re applying for or are too long ago.
Remember, your resume isn’t an autobiography of every job you’ve ever had but a document to sell you as the best candidate.
2. Most internships
Once you have work experience, it is no longer so important that you have had coffee for ten weeks at company X. Please note that there are exceptions here.
For example, if you have completed an internship with a big name in the industry (and have not worked for such a company after that) or if your internship company is wholly aligned (in terms of culture and mission, for example) with the company where you now want to apply.
3. Achievements during your high school and further education
Another trick that you use as a recent graduate is to boost your resume. Then it is wise to put that cool study project for a significant client on your resume or the competition you have won.
But when you have already gained enough more relevant work experience, it is no longer necessary to put these things on your resume.
4. Ancient skills and certificates
Skills and certificates that you have not mastered should not be on your resume, just like certificates that have expired and that you have not obtained again.
When should you feel addressed? For example, if you have ‘French’ in your languages, but you haven’t practiced it since high school, or if you took Photoshop lessons during your studies and just now know what” Layers” are.
5. Hobbies
In most cases, there is no need to list your hobbies. One big exception is if the hobby has taught you knowledge and skills that will help you in the job you are applying for.
Situations where you do mention your hobby: if you like baking, if you want to work at a food magazine or if you have a blog with recipes if you are a dietitian.