Cameroon: She poison her husband to prevent him from… (video)

The incident took place this Thursday, April 19, 2018 in the Fret Airport in the district of Douala 2nd.

According to reports from Canal 2 International, the lady named Adama put poison in the meal of her husband and the man gave up the soul a while after consuming the meal.

The people wanting to be reassured that this lady did kill her husband, gave a small amount of this meal to a cat and the animal also died instantly.

When asked why this lady decided to poison her husband and kill him, several relatives said that she did not want her husband to marry a fourth wife. This last did not support the greediness of her husband Mr. Labarin, for the feminine Gent.

While the victim who was a truck driver already had three women, he wanted to take a fourth. What one of his women named Adama could not accept. She decided to stock her husband to prevent him from carrying out his mission.

The murderous lady was taken to the premises of the brigade of the Gendarmerie Freight Airport escorted by a few gendarmes, in front of a furious crowd who wanted to fight with her.

The dead body of Mr. Labarin was taken to the Maliki Mosque not far from the scene of the drama for the religious service before proceeding to the burial. The family of Mr. Labarin remains until now inconsolable after the tragedy occurred.

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