Chrissy Teigen asks fans to share embarrassing stories

The American model Chrissy Teigen opened the Pandora’s box yesterday when she made a call on Twitter to share embarrassing stories. She herself did not want to lose her most embarrassing moment ever – even her husband John Legend does not know – but that did not stop her fans and other Twitter users from publicizing them.

Chrissy Teigen asks fans to share embarrassing stories
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.

“I have a very good story, but I am not prepared to say it”, tweeted Teigen. “It happened 4 years ago and every time I think about it, I die a little bit inside. Even John does not know it. I’m going to write it on a paper, put it in a sealed envelope and give it to my lawyers to twitter it when I’m dead.”


It did not stop other Twitter users from sharing their incredible and, at times, hilarious stories. “I once stumbled on the street and in my fall, I grabbed a man who just passed in the cross. He also fell. We were both there. And he can call it.”

“I once went to a toilet on a plane and did not close the door properly”, someone else says. “Some people waiting outside, decided to feel at the door and saw me standing with one leg up while I was inserting a tampon. And the worst thing is that the door was not open long enough for them to see what I was doing. They just saw me with my hand between my legs. When I finally came out, nobody was waiting for me.”

“When I had a long meeting at work, I ran to the toilets and went backwards into a toilet stall while I was already pulling down my pants,” says another woman. “Suddenly I was almost on someone’s lap.”

“I once did as if I took my credit card through the person’s anal cleft,” it continues. “I thought it was my husband. He was not my husband.”


Another woman shared a video showing how she gets a ball in the face during a basketball game. “I was hit in the face with a basketball on live TV in front of my entire university… 3 years later and still single I wonder.”

“I only went to a funeral”, says a woman. “We gave the family a hand and one of the family members asked me how I was doing and I said ‘well and with you?’ While his mother had just died. Why in the world am I saying something like this?”

A man shares his embarrassing stories on how he was ill, but had gone out to dinner with his girlfriend. On the way home, he literally did his pants. “I had to sneeze and then it happened,” he says. “For the rest of the ride she sat in front of me in silence, but we almost got into a fight because I was acting strange according to my girlfriend. When we arrived at my house, I did not make eye contact, but I ran up the stairs and locked myself in the toilet. I turned my underwear into an old towel and threw everything through the window. It took 10 years before I dared to say it.”


A woman posted her own embarrassing stories, when she was on a business trip and experienced something that was at least as embarrassing. “I had gone to the toilet at the airport and did not notice that my dress was in my panty hose. I walked through almost the entire airport building in Orlando with my rear exposed. Until someone stopped and told me what was going on. I’m still not talking about it.”

A woman also shared images of how she stumbled over a child while serving a family in a restaurant while she had a giant pizza in her hands. The result can be guessed.

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