Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe

A Belgium daddy, Kenny Deuss, posted some unique photos about his daughter Alix (1,5). Because his girlfriend often asked him to send him a picture from work to see that their little girl was safe when daddy was looking after her. He decided to give it a twist. He shares a hilarious result with everyone on social media.

Funny photos: while working on the electricity in the house, Alix working with a wood saw, climbing into the refrigerator, walking around with a rifle on her shoulder, or crossing a deep ravine on a rope: Kenny shows it all. “To be clear: all photos have been edited,” he laughs.

Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe

“I trained with Photoshop, but I didn’t take it any further,” says the man, who is responsible for concert work in a youth center and now, unfortunately, doesn’t have a lot of work during the crisis.

Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe

“When we had our daughter, and my girlfriend had to go back to work, she kept asking me in messages if I could send a photo, so she knew Alix was safe. Then I decided to make something nice out of it. Each time I showed our daughter in a different dangerous situation.”


Fortunately, his girlfriend quickly realized that the photos were not real. “She thinks it’s genius. The first time, she probably doubted a bit, whether it was real or not. But usually, I make the photos in such a way that it’s just a little too thick on them. But the intention is that you hesitate for a while”.

Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe

In the meantime, it became a habit. “I now take a picture every week. In many photos, I just hold Alix and then cut myself away. Then I add a specific decor to create a dangerous situation.”

You can see the result on the Instagram page on an adventure with dad.

Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe
Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe
Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe
Dad makes funny photos to show his partner that daughter is safe
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