Kenya: “I am John the Baptist and last prophet sent by God”, prophet with 39 women says

A self-proclaimed Kenyan prophet, identified as Nabii Yohana (V), claims to be John the Baptist of the time.

The Kenyan Prophet has 39 wives with 103 children and 232 grandchildren.

He is from Nandolia village, Bukembe West Ward Kanduyi Constituency, the self-acclaimed prophet is on his way to beating the late Akuku Danger’s record.

While the late Asentus Ogwella Akuku had 45 wives and over 210 kids, Nabii Yohana has married 39 wives who have born him 103 children and 232 grandchildren.

Three of his wives are deceased yet he says he’s not done.

“God chooses these wives for me. I have never dated any of them but God brings them to me,” he said. “And according to God’s word, I’m supposed to marry up to 48 wives so that I don’t commit adultery,” says the man who has never shaved since birth.

The vegetarian has five houses: Six of his women live in Soi, in Lugari sub-county, five in Kimilili, five in Chereng’any, 16 in Kakamega town and four in Kitale town.

Nabii of his real name Ronald Nakalila Wanyama, revealed that he is the reincarnation of John the Baptist.

“I am John the Baptist who was beheaded. I had already lived as a white man in the United States and now I am going to live in Africa for 280 years. According to the prophecy that God has given me, I will die but will be resurrected and live another 2700 years.

Nabii claims that his mission on earth is to save humanity from corruption, homosexuality and bad governance. “I am the way, the truth and the last prophet sent by God”.

To accomplish his goal, he revised the current Bible because he believes it is outdated. “My Bible will be unveiled on April 23 in my church, Muungano Church of the Holy Spirit for all nations, in the village of Nandolia in Bungoma”.

“President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto will be the main guests because we want them to give us money to print several copies that will be distributed throughout the country,” he added.

In an interview with reporters at his home in Bungoma County, Nabii revealed that his Bible took him 68 years for writing, and includes 93 books.

He also said he will ask the government to replace the shilling with its currency called “mzawadi”.

“The current currency is the source of all ills such as corruption, theft, violence, political killings and the spread of HIV/AIDS and must be replaced to make this country prosperous. The image of President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta on the currency according to Nabii means that it is his private property.”

Nabii claims to have the power to heal the sick and resurrect the dead.

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