Kenyan finance minister arrested for corruption

Henry Rotich surrendered to the Kenyan police after the Attorney General ordered his arrest on the basis of allegations of corruption. Mr. Roctich is scheduled to appear before the Criminal Investigations Directorate to be questioned about payments related to the construction of two dams in Kenya.

He is accused of violating the procurement rules by awarding an Italian company a contract worth more than the US $450 million for the construction of the dams. Rotich denied the charges when the Kenyan press revealed the case last March.

CMC Ravenna, the Italian company that would have benefited from the markets, also denied the accusations. Kenyan justice is investigating how the tender was awarded.

There would have been an additional amount of US $170 million over the amount provided for in the original site assignment contract. “It is established that the design, procurement and payment process for the construction of the dams are tainted with massive irregularities,” said Noordin Haji, one of the investigators.

He has ordered the arrest of more than 20 other people, including senior Kenyan officials and officials of Ravenna’s CMC.

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