More than 11,000 scientists exclaim “climate emergency”: “Humanity must take action”

More than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries have proclaimed a “climate emergency” approaching us that could lead to “unseen human suffering” if there is no necessary adjustment to preserve the biosphere. This can be read in the latest issue of the journal Bioscience Magazine.
“Scientists have a moral obligation to warn humanity of any existential threat,” write the signatories of a paper printed by the trade journal.
“Notwithstanding 40 years of global climate negotiations, with few exceptions, we have continued to carry on and to a large extent, failed to address this thorny position,” writes the alliance of researchers, led by William Ripple and Christopher Wolf from Oregon State University. “The climate crisis has arrived and is accelerating faster than most scientists expected,” they warn.
Six steps
According to them, six steps can mitigate the worst effects of climate change: replacing fossil fuels with low-carbon renewable ones, reducing emissions of pollutants such as methane, protecting the world’s ecosystems, mainly eating plant-based foods and fewer animal products, creating of a carbon-free economy, and to stabilize the world’s population.
The scientists say they have been “encouraged by a recent flare-up of concerns” about the climate crisis. They add to being willing to assist policymakers “in the right transition to a sustainable and equitable future”. Humanity must “take action to make life on Planet Earth, our only home, thrive.”