Places on Earth not yet explored

There are some places on Earth not yet explored by many people. One of them is the Namib Desert, which is still largely unexplored by man.

It seems that there is no place on our planet that has not been visited by man. We dream of conquering other planets, but many undeveloped places on Earth still exist. Where are they, and why have they not yet settled?

Places on Earth not yet explored

Namib Desert

Namib Desert
Namib Desert

Deserts and wildlife are all there is. This African country is larger in area than Turkey, Ukraine, or France. But only 2.5 million people live here. Why so few? The answer lies in geography.

Namibia is surrounded by two deserts: Namib and Kalahari. Because of this, it almost never rains, and it is difficult to grow crops on the sandy soil. But while these places are not suitable for human habitation, they’re great for wildlife. A quarter of all the cheetahs in the world live here, and almost 2,500 unique plant species grow.

Unfortunately, sooner or later, these places will be developed. Namibia is a leader in gold, diamonds, and uranium mining. So nature will be squeezed out by quarries and mines.

Surtsey Island

Surtsey Island
Surtsey Island

Surtsey Island is one of the youngest islands in the world. In the mid-1960s, an underwater volcano exploded near Iceland. Thanks to that, an entirely new island was formed there.

It attracted the attention of scientists: on the example of Surtsey Island, you could see the settlement and development of life. Therefore, tourists are denied access here. The only people who can visit the island are scientists. But these expeditions are very rare, so as not to disturb the ecosystem of the island. Usually, the data is obtained from aerial photographs.

The Greenland Ice Sheet

The Greenland Ice Sheet
The Greenland Ice Sheet

It covers about 80% of Greenland. Its age is more than 100 thousand years, and the average thickness of the ice sheet is 2 kilometers! Since this is a fairly harsh and harsh climate, people in this area are extremely rare. And they do not hurry to explore the Greenland glaciers

, preferring the warmer climates. But it is possible that all this will soon disappear.

Global warming has also affected this place. Thanks to the greenhouse effect, the ice sheet is losing 1 billion tons of ice every day. And if the melting does not slow down, Greenland may be completely free of ice by the middle of the 21st century.

North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island
North Sentinel Island

Technically, these places are inhabited by people. But modern civilization has never been here. Five hundred people are stuck in the Stone Age, and they are not going to get out of it. A very aggressive tribe. For decades, expeditions from various countries have been trying to establish contact with them. However, the Sentinels are extremely hostile to outsiders.

In 2018, they killed an American missionary who had come to preach Christianity. Even taking his body was not immediately possible: as soon as the natives saw the boats, they immediately went ashore and fired arrows and spears at the people. How did they live? What do they eat? Do they even know about fire? We are unlikely to get answers to these questions. India, on whose territory the island is located, has forbidden approaching and landing on the island.

Javari Valley

Javari Valley
Javari Valley

As with the Sentinels, people live here too. But they do not wish to make contact with us. They do not know the benefits of civilization, and their maximum technology is a spear. The photo was taken from a drone. What did they think when they saw it?!

The valley itself is in Brazil. It is home to 14 tribes with a total of 2 thousand people who have never had contact with scientific expeditions or the Brazilian government. It is also impossible to enter here. The Brazilian authorities guard the borders of the valley by sending patrols there.

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