Selena Gomez asks government leaders for help with vaccinations

On Saturday evening on Twitter, Selena Gomez (28) called on several government leaders to donate money or corona vaccines to help poorer countries. The singer is doing this as part of the VAX LIVE benefit concert that will be held on May 8.

During the live stream concert, which Selena also presents, world leaders and governments, among others, are called on to donate money so that developing countries also receive sufficient corona vaccines. In addition, the event should encourage people to get vaccinated.

The American singer brought the corona benefit to the attention on Twitter on Saturday. She addressed her tweets directly to the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, his Italian colleague Mario Draghi and Presidents Emmanuel Macron (France) and Joe Biden (US), among others. Ursula von der Leyen of the European Commission was also tagged as asking if she wanted to help.

During the concert ‘VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World’, various artists will also perform, including Jennifer Lopez, Foo Fighters, HER, and Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder. The performance can be seen on the American channels ABC and CBS and via YouTube.

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