Signs of a nervous breakdown

A disorder that develops as a response to persistent stress is known as a nervous breakdown. It can be caused by not getting enough rest or being under excessive emotional stress, both of which are tough for our nervous system to deal with. The longer you have this condition, the greater the likelihood you may have a nervous breakdown. And by reading this article, you will gain knowledge regarding the signs that serve as a warning concerning it.

10 signs of a nervous breakdown

1. You feel numb

People who are having a nervous breakdown frequently report that they are experiencing no feelings. They are unhappy with things that should make them happy, such as good news or activities they used to enjoy. Similarly, hearing about problems or setbacks does not cause distress. This numbness is linked to an overload of the nervous system, which is putting in an all-out effort to protect itself from the shocks and stress that it is currently experiencing.

2. You have difficulty concentrating your attention on things

When we are under chronic stress, it can be difficult to block distractions and concentrate on the work. It is quite tough to concentrate on normal things when we are experiencing a nervous breakdown.

According to research recently published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, having high levels of the hormone cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can lead to a deterioration in cognitive function and memory loss. If you are experiencing all these symptoms, you must consider the possibility of getting some rest to avoid having a nervous breakdown.

3. You wish to be alone

When we are under a lot of pressure, the most natural reaction is to seek solitude so that we can collect our emotions and figure out what to do next. And the longer stress continues, the more likely we will withdraw from social interaction. When we have a nervous breakdown, the last thing we want is for anyone else to be around, even if they are trying to help and support us.

4. You are afraid and anxious

It is far more challenging to manage one’s emotions when experiencing a nervous breakdown, particularly when those feelings are negative. The fear and anxiety rise. They have the potential to shape our perspectives, judgments, and attitudes toward life.

We can have the impression that everything in our environment is hostile. In addition, we are always on the lookout for hidden agendas in the actions of others, or we live in constant terror of repeating the mistakes and misfortunes of the past. Our nervous system responds in this manner when it is under stress.

5. Your appetite has changed

The flavour of your go-to dish may have changed unpleasantly. Or that you have a fundamental aversion to the act of eating. F or instance, you neglect to eat breakfast, noon, or dinner. You skip all three meals. But things can also work opposite: many people under chronic stress start to act erratically. And the more obvious the changes in appetite, the closer one gets to a psychological breakdown. In particular, if they continue for more than a week and a half without returning to their normal pattern.

6. You can’t sleep well

Sleep problems could signify that we are close to having a nervous breakdown or could result from persistent stress. Your inability to fall asleep fast directly results from your anxiety, stress, and other bad feelings.

It’s also possible for us to wake up in the middle of a dream or suffer from insomnia. The fact that we do not get enough rest causes us to get increasingly tired, bringing us closer to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

7. You feel mentally and physically exhausted

One of the most common warning signs that a nervous breakdown is extreme physical exhaustion. When we are under mental strain for an extended time, our brain will, with the help of our body, make an effort to communicate with us and let us know that something is wrong.

There is a possibility that we will experience fatigue, headaches, stiffness, and muscular spasms. If this problem continues for more than a few weeks, it is advisable to consult a neurologist.

8. You are prone to panic attacks

If you have not been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety disorder, your panic attacks began suddenly.

So the message from our body is that it has reached its capacity for stress. In other words, the panic attacks we experience during a challenging and stressful moment are analogous to a forced shutdown that keeps us from attaining full burnout. These attacks occur when we are under extreme pressure.

9. You experience intestinal problems

Stomach issues are common signs of stress and anxiety. It is possible, for instance, to have cramping, bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, stress can bring on an outbreak of the condition that causes discomfort in the digestive tract. If you are experiencing a lot of stress and have started seeing any of these symptoms, it may be a sign of a nervous breakdown.

10. You disregard your own wellbeing

The numbness may have made you indifferent to how you present yourself to others. You used to put a lot of work into caring for yourself, but now you don’t. As a result of your exhaustion and depression, you might decide that you do not want to put on makeup, wash your hair, or even brush your teeth. This could be an early sign of the beginning of a period of depression or a nervous breakdown.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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