These unconscious actions of women find men extremely attractive

Have you ever looked at a woman and thought to yourself, ‘why am I so attracted to her?’ We give you the answer to this question.

What do men find attractive?

There are a handful of qualities that men find attractive in a woman. Some things a woman does even without her knowing it. Check below the unconscious actions of women that make your hearts beat


Speak in a high-pitched voice

These unconscious actions of women find men extremely attractive

Men find it super attractive when women speak in a high-pitched voice. Not only does it show a bit of youthfulness in a woman, but it also appeals to the male instinct.

High-pitched voices are often signs of high estrogen, meaning you’re dealing with a healthy, fertile woman.

When she touches you

Everyone likes some form of physical touch, so that’s often the case with men. When men are touched, their body releases a certain substance called endorphins.

Endorphins are the main hormone that makes you feel happy. In addition, it can ensure that you experience a feeling of love and peace.

These unconscious actions of women find men extremely attractive

When she plays with her hair

Every woman does it, playing with her hair. Besides being one of the most well-known signs of flirting, consciously or unconsciously, it is also a sign of self-love.

Wearing red

These unconscious actions of women find men extremely attractive

Due to men associations with the colour red (passion, desire and love), many men worldwide prefer red. It just does something to them.


These unconscious actions of women find men extremely attractive

A bit of a cliche, but true. Nothing is more attractive than cheerfulness. Not only is laughter healthy for you, but happiness is also associated with femininity. And every man loves it when a woman laughs at their jokes.

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