Want to find more freelance work? 5 tips to attract new clients

Maybe you have just started freelancing, or it is a bit quieter for a while. Whatever your situation may be, you would like to find more freelance assignments. Of course, you can keep scouring the internet for fun assignments, but you can also have new customers and clients come to you.

Yes really! But how do you do that?

Tips to win more freelance assignments

Use the right keywords on LinkedIn

We’ve said it before, and we’ll repeat it: LinkedIn is a valuable platform. Especially if you are a freelancer and are ready for a new client, be active on LinkedIn, expand your network and make sure you include words like “freelancer” and “freelance work” in your profile.

Not only in the position you are currently performing but also in your headline and summary. Make sure clients can find you!

Make sure you have a strong website

While a lot of work will come through your connections, a rock-solid website is just as important as expanding your network. This ensures that you come across as professional. But what exactly does such a strong website entail?

First of all, it is vital to show your previous work. Be selective about what goes into your portfolio – you don’t have to dump all your previous work into your portfolio.

Not much experience yet? No one is saying that you must have been paid for the work on your website. Feel free to add a personal project of a fake dream customer. Only in this way do real dream customers know what you can do for them.

A strong website is also SEO-friendly. As a result, you will be found faster by clients via Google. But beware: SEO is quite an art. Here you will, in any case, find a checklist for the SEO basics. Consider investing in an online course on this topic.

Especially if you are a copywriter, this will come in handy in this digital world!

Position yourself as an expert

You want to be seen as an authority by potential customers, and presenting yourself as an expert helps with this. You do this by sharing blog posts

on your website or LinkedIn.

No idea what to write about? Answer the questions that customers often ask or download the free chrome extension Keyword Surfer. This tool shows you which related terms people often search for on Google. Inspiration enough!

Consider putting packages and prices on your website

Opinions on whether you should put prices on your website are divided. But as far as we’re concerned, it’s brilliant for two reasons:

Potential customers like to know where they stand. Take a look at yourself: you probably also want to know the price before you hire someone.
But it is also pleasant for you. You immediately make a selection at the door. As a result, you don’t have to spend time, energy and effort on customers who are unwilling to pay your rates.
Do you indeed choose to list your prices? Then put a starting price on your website. Every client is different and expects different things from you.

In any case, it must be clear on your website what you can do for someone. Consider coming up with packages (with different prices). In this way, it is immediately clear what people can hire you for, and you allow clients to choose.

Learn how to create multiple income streams

As a freelancer – whether you are just starting out or already experienced – it is best to have a quieter period. And let’s be honest: that can be pretty stressful. You must continue to pay your rent or mortgage.

One way to avoid that stress is to create multiple sources of income. Bonus points to passive income sources so that money keeps coming in when you are sick or on vacation, for example. An extra plus is that this way, you also have the freedom to say no to a customer who doesn’t quite suit you, without having to worry about not getting enough money.

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