What, according to science, changes in your life after 25

25 years is the invisible boundary that separates youth from adolescence. Today that boundary has shifted to 30 years, but still, 25 remains a sacred number, a kind of bridge that separates the two worlds.
It seems that there is almost no difference between the age of 20 and 25, but it is not so. According to science, a lot of things change after crossing that line.
1. Our skin loses about 1% of its collagen per year
Collagen is a protein that is the basis of connective tissue, including the skin. One of its main functions is to provide strength and elasticity to tissues. It is also a very expensive element for the body since collagen synthesis is energy-consuming.
According to research scientists, from age 25, the skin loses about 1% of collagen each year. Each year, your skin will become less firm and more affected by gravity.
2. You’re starting to lose friends
Now, that’s worse than just slow aging skin. Researchers in the U.K. conducted a study based on phone call data from 3 million people between 2007 and 2016 and came to a disappointing conclusion: sociability peaked at age 25. At that age, those studied called an average of 19 different people per month. With each successive year, the number of people in the phone book decreased until there were no calls.
3. Your chance of conceiving drops 2% each year
We reach our hormonal peak around age 18-20. This is when fertility is at its highest. And in case you didn’t know, guys also have a kind of biological clock, which works on a different principle than for girls, but also not in your favor.
Scientists conducting a series of studies found that the chances of a man conceiving within six months fall by 2% yearly, starting from the age of 25. So, by the time you’re 40, there’s only a 70% chance you’ll decide to have your first child and be able to conceive, and that’s if your fertility is okay.
4. You’re at the peak of your cognitive ability
At 25, we reach the peak of our intellectual ability, which lasts for a while longer. But gradually, after 25, your intelligence will slowly begin to decline. It’s more about the fact that remembering information will be a little bit harder. And this is understandable because your brain is fully formed, and neural connections are not as flexible as when you were 10 or 20.
5. You may be going through your first adulthood crisis
There are many jokes about the midlife crisis when men after 40 try to look younger and fall into a kind of second youth. But this is not the only crisis of adulthood; the palm belongs to the 25 years. Scientists believe that this crisis, sometimes turning into depression, is caused by the realization that the person has become an adult and has already passed a quarter of his life. If reaching this age is not consistent with the plans set before, the depressive state is exacerbated.
6. After reaching the age of 25, the attitude of companies towards you changes for the better
What are we all about the bad, because there are positives in crossing this age limit. A survey conducted by French experts in 2016 showed that 25 years is an important boundary, after which companies stop seeing a person as a youngster and begin to take him seriously as an adult equal to themselves.
It is from this age that companies pay their employees more, and their salaries grow at a high rate. However, do not be fooled because, according to the same survey, after passing the threshold of 30 years, there may be a slowdown in wage growth.
7. The likelihood of forming and strengthening romantic relationships is on the rise
According to surveys conducted in 2014, only 15 percent of people aged 25 and older classify themselves as single. This is quite different from the values for people under 25, where the number of singles is at least 30%. In addition, couples after 25 have a much higher chance of strengthening relationships and a lower risk of breakups. And this is understandable because, at this age, petty grievances usually recede into the background or cease to be a stumbling block due to experience and the aforementioned peak of cognitive abilities.