Why inaction is worse than failure

Inaction can hide much bad luck, but luck also scares off. In addition, it practically guarantees a complete loss of control over one’s own life, although a person usually does not think so. Everything seems to be fine, about the same as always, just like yesterday. This should be alarming because it is better to deal with failures than to choose the role of a silent observer and contemplate the same picture, which is called life.

Inaction can become the norm

Failure can evoke a variety of feelings depending on the magnitude and suddenness. However, it is these negative emotions that prevent us from settling forever. We hate failures, blame them on the coincidence of circumstances or someone else’s fault; sometimes, we are even afraid in advance, anticipating the result. However, we rarely bow our heads in humility and never accept failure as a way of life.

In the presence of self-irony, we can make a joke about our luck, even call ourselves a failure, although, in reality, we do not think so. People usually struggle with failures, each to the best of their strength and ideas.

Quite a long period of inactivity, on the other hand, is almost guaranteed to become a way of life. A person folds his arms and observes everything that happens to himself from the side. The result is such a film, often silent and black and white, with the most boring plot. The danger lies in that because it is extremely difficult to give up a habit, and it is almost impossible to abandon one that has become the norm of life.

Doing nothing means you go with the flow

Making mistakes indicates that a person has chosen his path and therefore stumbles; the path is not trodden; it is difficult to walk. It is not known where this road will lead, but there will certainly be an opportunity to take a turn at the nearest fork. Then the same uncertainty, until you reach your destination or, spitting on everything, you turn to a busy highway.

In any case, there will be something to remember, maybe just a small segment of an extraordinary life, and suddenly a “full meter”? Such a person can be envied.

Inaction relies entirely on the current, which will also carry it somewhere, but there will no longer be options for choice. Probably only the most fortunate people can afford such a swim. Jackpots are poured into them in the casino, and bonuses are mistakenly written out at work. Swimming with the flow, you can take a very good place, lounging somewhere on the shore and looking at the others. True, then, towards the end, doubts will start to drive you crazy because everything could have been much more interesting and brighter.

Inaction kills taste and passion

A rare failure can break a person right away; usually, they stray into flocks and slowly undermine self-confidence. One day it may stagger or even collapse. An ugly but completely fixable picture depending on a particular person. One gets depressed and disconnected from the world for months, sometimes years. After licking his wounds, the other gathers his strength and gives a surprising answer. Such that failures scatter in burrows, carrying a warning to their relatives. So they say: you do not meddle with him; he is too harsh for you.

Inaction is more independent; it does not destroy self-esteem, often quite the opposite. A person who does nothing often has the highest opinion of himself because he turned out to be so smart that he does not make mistakes, does not fail. In reality, this is because it simply does nothing, having long lost the taste for victories and the excitement that warms up the blood. Often, these people most like to teach young people, sharing their invaluable experience of doing nothing.

Idleness is unmeasurable

Any failure can be analyzed by understanding the reasons and ways to avoid this in the future. With a sufficient level of awareness and willpower, a person can fully prevent repeating the same mistake twice. In addition, when analyzing failure, we continually build alternative scenarios to develop events. Sometimes you can spy on something interesting and worthwhile and later implement it under appropriate circumstances.

The same inaction cannot be judged; it is good and bad, not good and not evil. Instead, it is radically neutral, denying any judges. It sounds great, but there is a catch: the most important judge in life is everyone for himself. It is we who will take stock, deciding whether life was worthy. Inaction even ignores such a judge, excluding him from the process, not allowing him to say a word. In general, it is fair that if a person has relied on inaction all his life, then let it work until the very end.

Inaction is a waste of time

Failure is never empty; it can teach something, give something, direct somewhere. Of course, no one aspires to it, but you shouldn’t run away in a panic either. It happened – and it happened, life goes on, now you have become a little wiser. You can share your experience, or you can not share, quietly gloating on the sidelines. The business is yours because the experience gained is entirely yours.

Captain Obvious claims that inaction does not teach anything and does not provide any experience, which sounds quite logical; it seems like the truth. This is a waste of time, which is quite limited and, as a result, a waste of life. So they will write under the photo – “spent”, it will be at least funny, it is better to remember a person with a smile than with hostility, or not at all.

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