10 tips to become more confident

There are times when we could all use a little extra confidence. This can be related to your health, relationships or the course of your career.
How do you become more confident?
Some people have it naturally, and others develop it over the years: self-confidence. Do you want to boost your confidence? Then pay attention. With these 10 tips, you too can become more confident.
1. Don’t be too hard on yourself
Being confident does not mean that you have to believe that you are good at everything or that you have to do everything. The point is that you accept that you, too, will make mistakes from time to time.
There are plenty of people with successful careers who are still insecure and afraid of making a mistake. When you accept that making a mistake is entirely normal, you give yourself more room to learn from it.
2. Be grateful
It’s easy to feel dissatisfied or insecure about something. Especially in the age of social media, in which we can constantly follow each other’s lives, it is easy to get the feeling that you are missing something. This can then make you insecure, so it’s important not to forget to be grateful for the things you already have.
3. Give your own opinion
Are you someone who stays in the background of a conversation during a meeting? Then it might be time to let your voice be heard more often. Most people will appreciate it if you can add something.
Doing this in a new environment for the first time can be scary. But when your voice is heard, you will undoubtedly receive positive feedback and appreciation. An excellent step to become more confident.
4. Surround yourself with positive people
Friends are important, and that’s why you need to make sure that you surround yourself with the people who suit you. These are people you can share your passion with.
But also where you can be yourself and who support you even when things go a little less.
5. Step out of your comfort zone more often
Everyone has a certain expectation of the future, but life can never be completely predicted. Sometimes you are challenged to step out of your comfort zone. It is good to practice this by, for example, doing an activity that offers you a whole new experience.
6. Don’t compare yourself to others
Everyone achieves their goals at their own pace, and everyone walks their path in life. So don’t get too distracted by what others are doing.
7. Learn to set boundaries
Sometimes you have to say no to a request because you don’t have the time or because you don’t feel like it. It is not bad to indicate this honestly; otherwise, you will never have time for yourself.
8. Focus on the future
We can no longer change the past, no matter how much we would like to. Try to learn from the past, but don’t dwell on it for too long. It is better to be focused on the future.
9. Start your day with the most challenging task
Realize that delaying tasks is not a solution. So try to start your day with what you most dread. You probably have more willpower in the morning than in the evening, so it’s a good time to start. When you’re done, you can be proud of yourself.
10. Set realistic goals
When you are ambitious, it is not always easy to set a realistic goal. It may happen that you are asking a little too much of yourself and that you cannot achieve your goals.
It would help if you didn’t underestimate yourself, but overestimating yourself can also work against you in the long run. Therefore, take a realistic look at where you stand in your development and make a fair estimate of what is possible and feasible for you within a certain period to achieve the goals you set.