4 tips to tell your boss you got another job offer

You’ve found a new job and can’t wait to get started there. But when you finish the champagne and think the most challenging part—the entire interview process—is over, you realize you have one more tough conversation to have: you need to tell your boss you’re quitting and leaving.

Such a conversation is always difficult and uncomfortable, whether you have a good relationship with your boss or not. In addition, you naturally want to leave on good terms.

How to tell your boss you’re resigning (in various situations)

In this article, we, therefore, give tips on how best to tell your boss that you are resigning.

When you weren’t happy with your boss/the company/your work/your colleagues

No matter how awful your job or boss was, there’s no reason to burn bridges. Therefore, avoid negativity or so-called ‘constructive feedback. It is a shame to destroy the professional relationship you have built up in recent times in one conversation.

It could just be that your boss, supervisor, or colleagues provide a new career opportunity in the future. And even if you don’t expect this because the relationship wasn’t good at work, you don’t want to give others a reason to spread negativity about you to people who could mean something to you in the future.

Does your boss or supervisor react badly to the fact that you are resigning? Also, try to stay calm. At least you know you made the right decision.

When you were happy with your job

A conversation in which you tell them that you are leaving is always exciting. Even if you enjoyed your time with this employer, but remember, you’re probably not the first employee to resign. Of course, your boss or colleagues may regret it, but if it’s good, they want the best for you, not only on a personal level (happiness) but also on a professional level.

Tips when resigning

Whatever situation you find yourself in, these tips will help you quit your job and leave on good terms.

Tell your boss first

You’re probably tempted to tell your BFFs at work first, but your boss is the first person to know. Otherwise, there is a chance that rumors will arise.

Tell why you’re leaving

It is a question that will come up anyway when you resign, so be ahead of it and think about what you want to say about it beforehand. Maybe it’s time for the next step; you’re moving, you want to take a whole new career path, or the opportunity came your way, and you had to grab it. Whatever the reason, don’t burn bridges by making negative statements about the job or company.

Be thankful

To end the conversation with a good feeling, it is wise to be grateful for the opportunities you have been given within this company. Be sure to know what you learned and what you take with you to your new job.

Offer to help with the change

Be proactive by offering your help with finding and maybe even onboarding a replacement. You may think it’s no longer your problem if you resign (and it isn’t), but it’s neat. In any case, leave a good handover for the next person to fill your old job.

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