5 signs that your ex-girlfriend still likes you

Break-ups are always tough, especially when two people who had a deep and loving bond. You don’t just get over your ex, but neither does she. Here are 5 signs that you can tell that your ex isn’t as over you as she might like to be.

1. Long live the nostalgia

The clearest sign you can get is through thoughtful conversation. This happens especially when you meet or accidentally bump into each other.

Does your ex-girlfriend bring up the happy memories and special moments you had together? That indicates that your ex still thinks positively about those romantic times with you.

So if you notice that instead of talking about what’s going on in her current life, the conversation takes a nostalgic direction, you know she hasn’t quite closed the chapter yet.

2. She’s trying to make you jealous

A very clear sign that your ex-girlfriend isn’t completely over you is when she’s trying to make you jealous. The best way to find out is through social media.

If your ex posts some risqué pictures of herself (and/or her body) when she never did during your relationship, shares many pictures with her male friends, or shares pictures a lot more often than usual, this could be an action can be to make you jealous. Or she wants more attention from you, that’s also possible.

3. Contacting for an insignificant reason

When you decided to break up, you probably also decided to take a break from contact for a while to make the break-up easier. If you notice that your ex-girlfriend is calling you or contacting you for all sorts of random reasons after a while, that’s a sign that she’s not over you.

The random reasons can be anything; sometimes, they are ridiculous or even made up. An example of this is, “Hey, can you give me the number of your favourite restaurant where you ordered pizza?” With this, she indicates that she wants to start a conversation again and shows that she is still looking for contact and does not want to let you go yet.

4. She calls you after a few drinks

We all know that people get more affectionate when they’re drunk, so if you get a late-night phone call or text from your ex asking you to come to a bar or pub (or ask her how you’re doing). Then it’s clear that your ex-girlfriend isn’t over you yet.

Alcohol makes you think about the people you love or care about most. So if you feel like your ex is calling or texting you every time she drinks, know that there is most likely something more going on.

5. An uncomfortable situation when you meet

If you notice that your ex-girlfriend starts acting awkward when you’re around your ex or you run into each other, it could mean that your ex is still in love with you. Note: usually, the first time you meet each other is always just as uncomfortable.

However, if this continues if you see each other more often or if she behaves differently than you are used to when your paths cross, then it is clear that your ex still loves you.

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