7 most moody Hollywood celebrities, colleagues prefer not to mess with

From the screen, Hollywood celebrities seem so cute, witty, and kind. Many of them participate in charity events, help those in need, advocate a good attitude towards homeless and wild animals, and are simply reputed to be good parents.
However, for some reason, just from their name alone, the faces of the directors change, and a nervous tic begins at the service personnel. So what’s going on? Why do some tabloids call them overrated stars, others – the most quarrelsome and capricious personalities; Well, the Hollywood celebrities themselves consider what is happening to the intrigues of competitors and nagging from the press.
1. Beyonce

The girl had to work from a young age to become a star. Now the singer’s income is calculated in amounts with many zeros, she has repeatedly been included in the rating of the “100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities in the World.” She donates money to victims of natural disasters, distributes food from her own food fund, and her singles become anthems of charities. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the richest women makes such demands on her rider.
So, for example, in order to participate in the half-time of the final match of the American Football Super Cup in 2013, she demanded to provide a list of cigars and alcohol in the amount of 6 thousand dollars, mineral water of a strictly defined temperature, which the star used to drink through a straw made of titanium alloy worth 900 dollars. It was also obligatory for her daughter, who at that time was one year old, to have a crib made of a valuable type of wood. By the way, such a “trifle” cost the organizers 22 thousand dollars. Yes, and one more thing – in any place that the star would not visit, they must install a new toilet, supplement it with red toilet paper, but the employees must be in 100% cotton clothes.
2. Lindsay Lohan

Making the lives of others unbearable is one of Lindsay’s favorite things to do. According to eyewitnesses, on the set of Anger Management, she acted as if her mere presence guaranteed the success of the project. She disdained not only the attendants but also ignored the urgent requests of the director’s assistants. A star could be late for filming, sit in a locked dressing room for a long time, or even completely disrupt the filming process. Plus problems with alcohol and drugs. So it’s not surprising that by now, this once sweet, freckled girl appears less and less on screens – it’s just that no one wants to mess with her.
3. Gwyneth Paltrow

This Hollywood lady in a sweet voice broadcasts the right things, teaches to take care of her health and with all her appearance, shows that she is the best. Well, and as befits a superstar, she has an overly demanding rider. For example, Gwyneth is obsessed with cleanliness to mania, constantly uses antibacterial agents, and if she has to spend the night outside the house, then assistants should wash the toilet room and shower to a shine and be sure to dry them.
It is noteworthy that this “stellar disgust” extends to her colleagues. So, during the filming of Iron Man, Paltrow demanded to draw up a schedule in such a way that she never crossed paths with Scarlett Johansson. And Reese Witherspool sounded haughty: “And why is she doing these stupid romantic comedies? Probably because of the money!” So Gwyneth Paltrow’s statement that the ability to ignore the opinion of others is the main life lesson for her now does not seem too harsh.
4. Jennifer Lopez

The sweet smile of a star is not at all an indicator of her angelic character. She can offend the person who prevented her from tune in to the right mood because, as stated in the requirements of the actress for filming, no one has the right to communicate with her at this time. And even if something urgently needs to be conveyed, you should contact her personal assistant. After all, she can step out of the role – such is the subtle mental organization of J. Lo. By the way, the star has repeatedly complained to friends that she could not find a suitable assistant in any way – candidates leave without even passing the probationary period.
They are not even inspired by the salary of 65 thousand dollars a year. But, as it seems to us, it’s all about the requirements: the star wants the assistant to be nearby every day for 12 hours six days a week, and in her free time from work, she would certainly take her phone with her. Well, and of course, resistance to stress and the ability to find a way out in any situation are essential qualities of the right hand of Jennifer Lopez herself.
5. Christina Aguilera

This singer is so struck by the “star” disease that she can even roll up scandals over trifles. One day she began to abuse Mickey Mouse, who refused to take a selfie with her. A Disneyland employee was just walking to lunch when the movie star caught him. It came to the involvement of the police, who took the unlucky guy away to the exclamations: “Do you know who I am ?!” The next time Christina Aguilera brought the film crew of the show “The Voice” to the end, forcing them to re-shoot the material again and again. In her opinion, in the frame, she looked too fat.
6. Christian Bale

The winner of the “Oscar” and “Golden Globe” charming and noble British gentleman is not at all what it seems at first glance. In real life, he is quick-tempered and ready to tyrannize anyone who goes against his will. Therefore, there are not many people willing to work with him.
Recall at least a case on the set of “Terminator 4”. Christian Bale argued not only with make-up artists, illuminators, assistants but also with the director himself. And the scandal he caused with the operator even got on the Internet. The video clearly shows how the actor is not shy in expressions and even threatens the operator, who dared to distract him from shooting in a difficult scene. So it is reasonable to ask, “Where are your manners, sir?”
7. Bruce Willis

The antics of this once simple and good-natured guy are now legendary. The actor is so accustomed to the role of a star that he clearly does not want to leave it. Hence the scandals that happen not only in ordinary life but also while working with eminent directors. Then Bruce will come to the set so drunk that the legendary Woody Allen will have to fire him, having removed a good part of the material.
On another occasion, director Kevin Smith will face a complete reluctance from the actor to act according to the chosen style of the movie “Full KOPets”. Willis did not react to his requests, and after that, he entered into a squabble at all, which did not end in a bit of fight.
In addition, the celebrity allowed himself to ignore marketing activities such as promo shoots and interviews. Well, director Kevin Smith at the final party for all the filmmakers ended his welcome speech like this: “Thanks to everyone for participating in the project, except for Bruce Willis, who turned out to be a real asshole.”