Discovery of ancient Mayan city: decline of mysterious civilization

Archaeologists have discovered the ancient Mayan city: the find may shed light on the decline of a mysterious ancient civilization.

The ancient Maya civilization is one of the most advanced civilizations in the Western Hemisphere. At first glance, the primitive society of the Stone Age had deep knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, had a very developed writing system. Their pyramids are superior in architecture to the Egyptian ones.

A lot is known about this mysterious and majestic civilization. Still, scientists do not know the main thing: why did the Mayans leave their beautiful cities more than 11 centuries ago and scattered in the jungle? Maybe the latest archaeological find in Yucatan, the last outpost of this great civilization, will shed light on this question?

Mayan culture spans vast areas, including present-day Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and the Yucatan Peninsula. One and a half millennia before Columbus arrived on the shores of South America, the Maya had already built incredible cities with perfect architecture, had the most accurate solar calendar and hieroglyphic writing.

Discovery of ancient Mayan city: decline of mysterious civilization

The peak of the flourishing of this civilization falls in the 6-7th century AD. An interesting fact: for all the development of science, the Mayan society was unknown to the design of the wheel. The Maya are known for their exquisite jewellery, gold and copper metalwork. And despite all their outstanding achievements, rich resources, deep knowledge and skills, the Mayan civilization died out.

Scientists and historians are not entirely sure what led to the collapse of this culture, but they believe that climate change played a significant role in this tragedy. Researchers have found evidence of large-scale droughts in the area and chronologically linked them to patterns of destruction in Maya society.

It so happened that the Maya for life got one of the most comfortable corners of our planet. The climate was mild, warm and humid. Such conditions of existence made it possible to develop agriculture ideally. It was this that became the basis of the economy of this ancient civilization. They grew a variety of vegetables, grains, and legumes. Maya animal husbandry was not developed.

They did not tame pets and did not use them for food or movement. Maya meat was obtained only by hunting game.

Being the most densely populated centre, the southern part of the region suffered the first, as people could not adapt to the new conditions. The northern part was accustomed to such a climate, and therefore they were better able to cope with the effects of drought. Even though this area suffered less, it did not save it from decline. By AD 850, the Mayans were leaving their cities in mass. By the time the conquistadors conquered these lands, only a few very isolated and few settlements remained.

Discovery of ancient Mayan city: decline of mysterious civilization

To our greatest regret, the Spanish conquerors’ precious Mayan manuscripts were destroyed on the orders of the Catholic Inquisition. Scientists had to collect all the information bit by bit, based on calendar entries on monuments, analyzes of ceramic household items and radiocarbon studies.

According to the latest research in this area, in the 9th century, a drought hit the region, which lasted not for years but centuries. This led to gradual extinction. As a result, all the Mayan metropolitan areas were abandoned, the peasants who lived in the vicinity also left.

Some scientists see the reason for this ecological cataclysm because the Maya very actively intervened in natural processes. A gigantic system of irrigation canals was built, the Mayans drained swamps to turn them into arable land, cut down vast tracts of forest for the construction of cities. All this together could be why local droughts, multiplied by natural climate changes in the region, led to a catastrophe.

The hearth of a once majestic civilization went out. Priestly traditions have degenerated. Concise forms of power characterized all the rudiments of a civilized society that arose later. Although there is a lot of information about the existence of the Maya, thanks mainly to the discoveries of archaeologists, there are still many gaps in the history of this culture.

The most recent find by historians is a vast ancient Mayan palace deep in the Yucatan jungle. The city was discovered just 160 kilometres west of Cancun. The castle amazes with its magnificence and size. The area of this building is over 800 square meters. The building consists of six rooms, a corridor with columns, and many stairs.

The palace was used between the 6th and 11th centuries. In the area, archaeologists have discovered burial sites. To find out as much information as possible about the inhabitants of the ancient city, historians conduct all kinds of analyzes of the remains.

According to the Mexican News newspaper, the NIAH statement on the find suggests that the elite used the palace. The period of possible use was determined by scientists based on the age of the various relics found inside. This era spanned the classical and late classical Maya periods when civilization began to decline, and many of its cities were already abandoned.

Archaeologist Alfredo Barrera Rubio noted that during this period, the city of Chichen Itza had a strong influence on small Mayan cities, including Kuluba. After discovering many obsidians and ceramic objects similar to those found in Chichen Itza, scientists made such a conclusion after discovering many obsidians and ceramic things. This town is one of the most visited historical sites in Mexico. It has been recognized as one of the world’s seven new wonders, along with the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.

Discovery of ancient Mayan city: decline of mysterious civilization

In the newly discovered city, archaeologists have not yet explored everything. There are two residential buildings there; they are in deplorable condition. In addition, there is an altar and a circular structure, which historians consider a large oven. Now scientists are working on the restoration of all buildings.

One of the city restoration project coordinators said that efforts were being made to restore the forests around Kuluba. This should help protect the city from damage caused by sun and wind. NIAH wants to make Kulubu open to the public in the future so that people can see the city, but one of the last pieces of the jungle in the area, with all the beauty and perfection inherent in the wild.

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