False Jesus takes cash to secure seats in heaven

Do you want to secure seats in heaven while on earth? False Jesus reportedly does so. Michael Job has been parading himself as Jesus Christ in Kenya for several days. But recently given a backhand
The false Jesus who appears on his customary white robe, blue loin and flowing hair collect money from people to perform a miracle. The Kenyan government has decided to deport the white man who marched into the country by pretending to be the real Jesus Christ. In the same vein, the two pastors who had invited and convinced their followers that he was the true son of God, have been arrested.
Daily Africa reports that the Kenyan government deported the false Jesus and arrested the pastors who had invited him.

The false Jesus started collecting money from the Kenyans that he will do miracles and secure seats for them in heaven. The video has gone viral on social media. Different reports added that the government of Kenya has deported the false Jesus and arrested the pastors who had invited the so-called “Jesus”.
But not like Job cares what anyone thinks, though. On Sunday in Kenya, he preached: “Tonight’s last night of the Kiserian crusade was awesome! God’s Spirit came upon all of us. People surrendered their lives to Jesus, many people were healed, and God’s Spirit came upon us powerfully in worship.
“Thank you, Jesus, for drawing all people to yourself. Lord, abundantly bless all of the 30 churches which combined to see a mighty harvest in Kiserian Kenya. Over 300 souls were saved in Kiserian. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus, for your amazing grace! ‘Go and preach the gospel to all creation’. Bless you!”
Who is this false Jesus?
The false Jesus is actually named Michael Job. He is an actor, evangelist, and president at ‘Jesus Loves You Evangelistic Ministries’. He actually went to Kenya to participate in a huge Christian event during which he was invited to speak to the crowd. In real life, he lives in Florida, Orlando, and works in a theme park honoring religion.