Five health benefits of turmeric you might not know about

Turmeric is a powdered root of the plant of the same name that has been used as a condiment by some people for centuries. Turmeric has a light, discreet taste, and therefore is most often added to dishes to give them a bright yellow-orange color.

But this spice can be used for more than just a beautiful shade: it has many beneficial properties that help to improve health and well-being.

Eases joint pain

A systematic review by scientists from the United States and South Korea found that turmeric relieves pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, a chronic disease characterized by articular cartilage damage and destruction.

This is thanks to curcumin (the main component of turmeric), a powerful natural antioxidant. But remember that turmeric does not cure the disease: it acts like an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug).

Therefore, if you have arthritis, you cannot abandon the therapy prescribed by your doctor and switch to yellow spice treatment.

Turmeric relieves inflammation

Also, thanks to curcumin, the spice reduces systemic inflammation and increases the body’s ability to resist free radicals. Free radicals are chemical compounds that accelerate cell aging and contribute to the development of chronic diseases.

Improves cognitive performance

Turmeric may increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This protein stimulates and supports neuronal development and protects the brain from age-related disorders that cause cognitive decline and dementia.

Improves digestion

Turmeric acts as a prebiotic on the digestive system, positively affecting the intestinal microflora. Prebiotics (insoluble dietary fibre) serve as food for beneficial bacteria, improving digestion and strengthening the immune system, making a person less susceptible to various infections and diseases. To eat turmeric more often, you can add it to smoothies, soups, rice dishes, sauces, meat dishes, etc.

Protects the cardiovascular system

Turmeric can improve the condition of the lining of blood vessels, which can help normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and blood clots.

Also, a small study by specialists from the University of Colorado (USA) showed that even short-term use of curcumin improves the condition of the arteries in middle-aged and older people.

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