Get your dream job in 7 steps

What makes a person’s life satisfying and happy? Aside from enjoying good health and having a healthy and concrete circle of social relationships, what makes a person satisfied is doing their dream job!

More and more often, we find ourselves talking to people – men and women are indifferent – who dream of doing that job, but that dream remains so for most of them. The “blame” is blamed on bad luck, the need to have a concrete salary, and life cases in general. Here, nothing could be more wrong because the saying that we all know “to want is power” for these same people has not been considered.

So how do you get to realize that dream kept too long in the drawer of desires? How to feel fulfilled and wake up in the morning with the happiness of going to work because “that” job is what we have always wanted and that we finally got? 7 steps that can help you get the job you want.

Why is it important to make your dream come true?

Before starting with the actual strategies, some tips on why it is important to realize the dream of doing the job you want.

First of all, finding a job that allows you to pursue your passion will not only guarantee you happiness but will ensure that everything becomes easy; you will no longer feel fatigued, and you will feel that you have realized the meaning of your life.

This, of course, will happen over time. Even your dream job requires sacrifice and time to devote. But that time you devote to work won’t weigh on you at all. Confucius said:

do the job you love, and you won’t work a day in your life.

An exciting job satisfies 3 basic needs :

  • autonomy: being able to organize your activities and your day (what we all envy freelancers);
  • competence: excel at what you do;
  • relational value: that is, that feeling of being “connected” to other people through your work.

Get your dream job in 7 steps

Customizing your CV according to the position you are applying to can seem like a waste of time; however, if done, this activity can greatly increase your chances of getting the job interview you want.

Finding work requires a specific project to an equally specific professional opportunity.

Most job seekers use the same resume to apply for every vacancy available. This is a bad strategy, which often jeopardizes the chances of getting a job interview.

It would help if you constantly changed your curriculum vitae to the job advertisement you are applying for. By doing so, you will probably send fewer applications, but in return, you will receive more calls to take a job interview, and above all, you can gamble for the chance to get the job you want.

Understand what the company is looking for

By submitting applications every day, a certain job position (e.g., administrative assistant) may be the same in every company you apply to.

This is a misconception because a position is different from company to company, even if called the same way. Don’t take anything for granted, and make sure you understand the activities and duties of the role in question. Only then can you secure a call to take the job interview.

Use keywords

Study the phrases used in the job posting description. Then, please make a list of all the keywords that describe the profile and try to use them in your CV.

It also aims to simplify the sentences; remember that using a narrative style is never recommended. Being direct and going straight to the important concepts is the best approach when writing a CV and a cover letter

or Linkedin profile.

In addition, the use of keywords will make your professional profile much more usable and easy to find during the web searches that recruiters will do when recruiting.

Match your profile with the job posting

Make your resume reflect the job posting you read as closely as possible. If you do not use the best format CV, personalize your summary, including the skills and abilities required by the specific position you are applying for.

If you use the best CV format, be sure to write what you are applying for and what the relevant professional sector is in the appropriate section under the personal data. Pay close attention to each resume you submit, and you will see the number of job interviews you’re invited to increase dramatically.

Highlight the goals achieved

No too long and distracting curricula. This will bore the recruiter. In the first two minutes, the company tries to understand who it is in front of and what you could give to the company as a professional. For this reason, it is important to bring a bulleted list of what you have learned to do during your career directly on the front page.

Try to write real examples that demonstrate how you have developed these skills. For example, to say that you are a good leader, you could write:

Leadership skills gained by managing a team of 5 people during a fundraising campaign.

Whenever possible, always use data and percentages as evidence of what you say. Even when you are about to write this section, make sure that the goals achieved and the skills reported on the CV are consistent with the job advertisement you are responding to.

Always act in a way that increases your choice

What does this mean? Simply that between a comfortable and demanding choice that opens up more perspectives, the one to be undertaken is almost always the latter.

Following this imperative is very important, especially when you are at the beginning of a path. It will mean that you will have to spend a lot of time and engage in many things within the job you have chosen, some of which you will inevitably not like or disappoint you.

Practice a lot and find the right balance

It’s not because you think it’s your dream job; this will make it easy. You’ll have to spend a lot of your time practicing. But practice must go hand in hand with quality.

In practice, it is a question of structuring your work to face increasing difficulty levels, each time slightly higher than what you are used to.

Practice and quality must be balanced. This will allow you to be able to manage unexpected events well and avoid moments of frustration.

Act through a system

The winners move through a system and not by objectives. To realize your dream, that of the job you want, you must be based on a system or a project.

Even if this project turns out to be a failure, it will still have led you to develop work and relational skills.

It is about choosing options that will inevitably make you grow, improve and develop skills that will be successful in your future projects.

Recruiters notice and appreciate that you have taken the time to not only make your resume fit the role but that you have something to offer because that’s the job you’ve always wanted.

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