How to buy an engagement ring without her knowing?

If you’re a die-hard romantic, you may have long since passed the stage of romantic dinners, promenades, and spontaneous weekend trips. In addition, if there is also a really serious relationship, you will undoubtedly have thought about an engagement.

After all, nothing is more romantic than being able to promote your girlfriend to a fiancé. Therefore, the question is not so much how you will go about it, but how you manage to surprise her with the wedding ring that she has always wanted, without ever asking her, of course.

Buy the perfect wedding ring

While marriage sounds like an extra thing to most couples, it’s the true romantics who choose it. You are right if you belong to that group. Many a woman is still pleasantly surprised when a man clarifies that she is the one for him. So could you do it?

However, you have to come from good houses to complete the surprise. By showing her that one wedding ring she’s always dreamed of, you score points. We will tell you how to do that based on five points that you.

Ask her friends and family

If there’s one thing she doesn’t like is that she’s already picked out her ring herself. So the trick is to make sure you know exactly what she likes and dislikes. In that case, her friends and relatives are the keys to the problem.

 If you have a good relationship with both, it soon becomes clear that they are the ones who can best tell you what will or will not appeal to you. Even if she has a great relationship with her mother, your mother-in-law-to-be is an ideal source of information. If she also knows the ring size, then you are completely fine.

Check out her Pinterest

You don’t have to be a private detective to find out certain things. In many cases, women

love websites like Pinterest and your soon-to-be probably also has a Pinterest account.

Chances are, she’s created several boards where she’s announcing what she likes and loves. With a little luck, you will find her favorite wedding ring on Pinterest.

Also important: pay attention to her hints

Have you been together for a while? The subject of getting married has already been discussed. If you haven’t brought it up yourself, she will undoubtedly have given you hints.

That can happen in different ways, for example, by commenting on a married friend or about one of her favorite singers who received a beautiful wedding ring. If she drops comments like that, then you know she’s on to it.

Her style

Every woman has her style; also, when it comes to the jewelry she likes. Would you please pay attention to what she likes to wear and what she likes? By taking a close look at her jewelry collection, you will get a good idea of ​​what she loves.

 With that knowledge in-house, choosing the perfect engagement ring becomes a breeze. If you want to score points, don’t just remember what style, shape, and color appeals to her, but also record the size of her favorite rings. Only when you know the size can you start choosing her engagement ring.

Check out different jewelers

Still not sure what would be the most beautiful engagement ring for her? Check out the different websites of well-known jewelers. In many cases, leading jewelers have special programs to make choosing the ideal engagement ring a lot easier. For example, not only the taste of your soon-to-be is important, but also your budget and your personal

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